Search result for Ruby on rails certification Online Courses & Certifications
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Full Stack Foundations
by Lorenzo Brown- 0.0
Approx. 3 weeks
Giving users the ability to create, read, update and delete data is the backbone of the most popular services on the Internet today. Implement CRUD operations on a database. lesson 3 Developing with Frameworks Introduction to web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails. lesson 4 Iterative Development Build an entire web application on your own....
Become A Full Stack Web Developer in 14 Days
by EDUmobile Academy- 4.6
13.5 hours on-demand video
This course covers all leading programming languages, starting with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS and NodeJS. Then understand how JOINs work on multiple tables. In Ruby section we will learn how to run Ruby interactively at the command prompt. Then we will move on to Rails with Model View Controller design pattern and how it implements it....
Deploying Ruby on Rails Application in Your Own Server
by Saroar Khandoker- 3.1
1 hour on-demand video
Learn How To Deploy Ruby on Rails To Your Own Securely Setup Ubuntu 14. When the time comes to deploy your Ruby on Rails application, you have a lot of options. Another option is to deploy your rails app to your own server....
Troubleshooting with Xcode
by Packt Publishing- 4
2.5 hours on-demand video
NET, Ruby on Rails, C#, some PHP, HTML, and CSS. Dee briefly pursued a MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) certification before he decided he wanted to become a full-time programmer. For the last 5 years, Dee has been programming on the iOS platform using Objective-C and Swift....
Sara Learns to Code. Making an App from Scratch
by Sara Jean Underwood- 4
4 hours on-demand video
After taking this course you will be able to make software products that work great on desktop and mobile. This course is also great for those with some coding experience but are new to using a framework such as Ruby on Rails to build dynamic and robust applications with databases, user authentication, or native payment processor libraries. Reflecting on Making this Course...
Ruby, 1st script to expert scripter
by Igneus Technologies- 3.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
In this entire series, we will focus on working with eclipse IDE because it is free and ruby can be configured in ruby easily with eclipse. You might have intention to move into “Ruby on Rails” or just automating the things by ruby, this course will give you quick but comprehensive start in ruby programming....
Comprehensive Ruby Programming
by Jordan Hudgens- 3.8
10.5 hours on-demand video
5 hash videos along with a new section on the Ruby CLI. An introduction to the Ruby on Rails and Sinatra web frameworks With over a decade of real world development experience, I have engineered this curriculum to ensure it focuses on the skills you will need to be a professional Ruby developer....
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Learn to Code with Ruby
by Boris Paskhaver- 4.8
31.5 hours on-demand video
A comprehensive introduction to coding with the Ruby programming language. The most comprehensive Ruby course available on Udemy! An in-depth overview of coding with Ruby, a popular programming language renowned for its simplicity and elegance. Every aspect of Ruby is designed to make programming easier for the developer. Ruby also serves as the foundation for Ruby on Rails, a popular web framework that powers over 1....
Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer
by Jordan Hudgens- 4.7
43.5 hours on-demand video
Don't simply follow a tutorial, learn what it really takes to become a pro Rails developer with this immersive course. Latest course update: March 2021 - Added multiple sections for the Ruby on Rails 6 full course update. Building out a professional Rails environment (if you're on a PC I even built a free C9 dashboard that you can use for this course)....
Complete Developers Guide: Ruby on Rails & React with Redux
by Mammoth Interactive- 4
50 hours on-demand video
Learn how to build a Rails app and (separately) learn how to build a pure React/Redux app. The Complete Ruby on Rails & 3D Rendering Humans for Games Code in Ruby on Rails....