Search result for Visual studio c# training Online Courses & Certifications
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Visual Studio Mastery with C# - Double Your Productivity
by Tod Vachev- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
In this course you will learn tips and tricks to increase your productivity and double your coding speed with Visual Studio! The course is aimed at students that want to get more familiar with the Visual Studio Software and/or want to become more productive and write code faster....
Learning Visual Basic .NET - A Guide To VB.NET Programming
by Infinite Skills- 4.3
7 hours on-demand video
This beginners guide to programming in Visual Basic. This Visual Basic . NET ) training course from InfiniteSkills. com will teach you how to program from scratch with Visual Basic. You will start by learning how to install and use the Visual Studio development environment. NET training course, you will be fully capable of programming with Visual Basic....
Learn C++ by Creating
by Andrew Volk- 4.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
Get your computer ready to program in C++ using Visual Studio. Get your computer ready to program in C++ using Visual Studio....
by 唐大仕- 0.0
Approx. 61 hours to complete
C#(又称csharp)是一种优秀的面向对象语言,它继承了C++和Java等语言的优点,在Windows图形用户界面、Web应用、数据库等方面有着广泛的应用。本课程在介绍C#语言及面向对象的程序设计基本原理的基础上,使用Visual Studio作为开发工具,介绍C#对各种常见的信息的处理方法,包括文本处理、图形绘制、图像处理、多媒体、网络信息获取、数据库应用等。 课程中除了理论知识外,更注重上机编程实践,程序示例紧密结合日常的学习和工作,生动有趣,难度适中。 本课程要求学习者学过一门程序语言(如C语言等)。 第1讲 C#程序设计简介 C#与. NET概述 —— C#为什么这样好 CLR与IL指令--exe内容是什么 三步编写一个程序 对象的三要素 事件及自动 控制台、WinForm 及 WebForm程序的编写 程序中的输入与输出 常用的开发工具 EditPlus的设置 学习准备篇--准备教材 参考:framework版本 网址大放送:学习C#的好去处 温馨提示 改变文本、位置、颜色 两个相同的文本框--找准对象事件是关键 我最喜爱的Timer及Random 控制台程序 WebForm程序 控制台的输入与输出 Winform计算平方根 网址:开发工具的下载地址 文字版:EditPlus的设置 本周示例中常用一些编程技术 本周的Visual Studio使用技巧 小结本周的内容 第1讲测验 第2讲 C#语言基础 数据类型分值类型及引用类型 几种类型的细节 运算符 表达式及类型转换 简单语句及分支语句 做一个屏保程序(使用if) 自动出题并判分 循环语句 角谷猜想(使用while及for循环) 画许多圆(使用循环与绘图) 数组的声明与分配空间...
C# Programming for Beginners:Practical Applications Approach
by Charlie Chiarelli- 4.5
18 hours on-demand video
Our focus will be working with Visual Studio on WINDOWS machines . All coding examples are fully compatible with the LATEST Visual Studio Edition (As of 2020 Visual Studio Community 2019) for WINDOWS . Program fluently in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows Machines...
C#: The Complete Foundation!
by Danny Boehm- 4.6
8 hours on-demand video
C# is a powerful object-oriented programming language. C# is used in the development of video games that includes mobile development. Microsoft Visual Studio / Visual Studio ExpressData Types / RepresentationClasses, Objects, Methods, InterfacesLoops, Selections and Conditional StatementsArraysInheritance, Exception HandlingControls and Handling EventsAnd much more!Who should take this course?...
C# 8 and .NET Core 3.1 Recipes - Second Edition
by Packt Publishing- 4.1
3.5 hours on-demand video
Leverage C# 8, . 1 and Visual Studio 2019 to build fast, enterprise-ready scalable web apps Kitted out with those skills in your toolset, this course will then help you to make the most of the next sections focusing on advanced C# use cases that are particularly suited to real-world application development....
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50 Things You've Been Doing Wrong in C# and .NET Core
by Packt Publishing- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
Avoid common C# mistakes to improve your apps' productivity As a C# developer, you must be skilled in the C# language and the . With this course, you'll take your C# and . NET and C# problems. NET Core, together with Visual Studio (2017 or 2019)....
Building an Enterprise Application with ASP.NET Core MVC
by Everest Nwosu- 4.5
10 hours on-demand video
- C# Programming language - Visual Studio 2019 - SQL Server, Server Management Studio...
An Introduction to C# with Visual Studio Community 2019
by A O- 4.5
8 hours on-demand video
An Introduction to C# That is Not Overly Simplified This course uses Visual Studio 2019 Community only. How to get Visual Studio...