Search result for Bachelors in business management courses Online Courses & Certifications
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Excel Case Studies for Business Students
by Jeff Knowlton- 4.1
4.5 hours on-demand video
Improve your grades in business classes. The University of Oregon uses these case studies in two of their information management courses. And my other Udemy courses are recommended by the Oregon Business Education Association. In five hours of content including 50+ lessons, this course covers the important Excel functions to analyze business data....
CAPM Exam Prep Seminar - PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition
by Joseph Phillips- 4.6
23.5 hours on-demand video
Not all courses on Udemy are part of the PMI REP program – this one is! This course has passed a quality audit and a business review, and it completely abides by the PMI REP program. You need to pass the CAPM exam and you need quality training that'll help you in your role as a project manager....
The Complete Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification
by Archana Rajendran- 0.0
28 hours on-demand video
You have taken the right step in your path to become a Salesforce certified Advanced Administrator. This course is over (a whooping!) 27 hours in length and is probably one of the most complete and comprehensive online courses you will ever get to see covering the administration essentials for experienced admins. > Data Management > Content Management > Change Management...
Sports Leadership and management
by SPORiT.MatchPoint Lab- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Join thousands of students worldwide in the most comprehensive Sports Revenue Strategies and Analytics course on Udemy! · Look at sports business as a holistic entity Prior to joining CBS in 1976 as Director of Business Affairs, he was in private law practice in New York and was an executive at Metromedia, Inc....
Agile Process, Project, and Program Controls
by John Johnson- 0.0
4 Weeks
How agile project management ensures success and uniquely tackles business risk Quality management principles to reduce project risk and technical debt In this course, you will learn how these levers of control far exceed traditional management methods of earned value management (EVM), which relies on estimates and no changes in scope....
Product Launch: How To Go To Market | Product Marketing Plan
by Dekker Fraser, MBA & Associates- 4.2
4.5 hours on-demand video
Product Management Strategy | SaaS Marketing | Value Proposition Design | Advertising Strategy | SaaS Product Management In this powerful product management launch blueprint, you will learn: Marketing management Do you want to get your new product in front of millions of buyers? - Product management for going to market - Marketing management...
Management Consulting Techniques, Tools and Frameworks
by Asen Gyczew- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or are dealing with performance improvements as well as strategic projects in their firms. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 45 000 students including people working in Walmart, EY, Dell, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal...
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Managing Disruptive Change
by Malte Brettel- 0.0
6 Weeks
Get yourself and your company ready to face disruptive trends in your industry – be ahead of the wave, don’t get buried underneath. Why do companies get disrupted in the first place? In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program....
IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Programming
by Ignacio Despujol , Vicent Botti Navarro , Carlos Turró , Tanja Vos- 0.0
4 Weeks
This course is one of the 5 courses of an introductory business information systems series, designed to introduce you to the amazing world of Information Technology. In this course you will learn the basics of software programming. Basic design and analysis guidelines in web pages development...
Breaking in for Non-Musicians
by Mike Mowery- 4
1.5 hours on-demand video
A One-of-a-Kind Course for Future Managers, Booking Agents, Publicists, and Other Music Business Professionals Mike Mowery of Outerloop Management and Outerloop Records hosts this in-depth course on how to get your start in the music business. If you have ever wondered HOW to get your start in the modern music business but couldn't find the answers, Mike shares them here....