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Contemporary India
by Anthony D'Costa- 4.2
Approx. 16 hours to complete
This course presents some important vignettes of a complex, highly diverse India that is also witnessing unprecedented changes since its formal independence in 1947 from Great Britain. While one of the objectives is to capture the multifaceted process of change, the course also critically examines some of the tensions inherent in these changes....
AWS Data Architect Bootcamp - 43 Services 500 FAQs 20+ Tools
by Siddharth Mehta- 4.3
30.5 hours on-demand video
Amazon has been in the business of recommending products to customers since decades. AWS Lake Formation (Nov 2018 Release) - As forming data lakes is a tedious process, AWS has introduce a set of orchestration steps in the form of service to expedite the generation of Data Lakes....