Search result for Certificate in natural health Online Courses & Certifications
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Endometriosis Natural Healing and Self-Help
by Miranda C.- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
Endometriosis Natural Treatments, Natural Cures & Symptoms Relief In this course I present: Natural Healing Treatments for Endometriosis Natural Treatments for Pain and Inflammation Analysis of Your Health State Endometriosis Root Causes (According to Natural Medicine) Endometriosis Natural Cures...
AROMATHERAPY: Guide To Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Ali Haider- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Aromatherapy: Use aromatherapy essential oils in Daily Life Essential oil uses for natural medicine Best recipes for health using essential oils Essential oils are an amazing addition to a natural lifestyle. They can be used to boost your health in every aspect and can be used on kids and adults of all ages....
Reiki Practitionar Certificate Course
by Prachi Mehra- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is balancing energy centres/chakras in the body for stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body's natural healing abilities, aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health. Your attunment is done through a chosen time, vis distant ATTUNEMENT PROCESS WHERE REIKI SYMBOLS ARE PUT IN YOUR METAPHYSICAL BODY....
Value-Based Care: Introduction to Value-Based Care and the U.S. Healthcare System
by Lechauncy Woodard , Sara G. McNeil , Susie Gronseth- 0.0
Approx. 6 hours to complete
In value-based care models, providers must meet quality measures and improve the health outcomes of their patients. What Does the Word "Value" Mean in Health Care? What Does "Value" Mean in the Term "Value-Based Care"? Healthcare System (Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial Insurance, TRICARE, and the Veterans Health Administration: Creation, Evolution and Change A Brief Timeline of Health Insurance in the U....
How natural fertility can help you become pregnant
by Melanie Rivers- 4.7
5.5 hours on-demand video
When I first started working in the area of natural fertility, I worked with many women who had been diagnosed with unexplained infertility or who had been told that they should go straight to expensive and invasive medical fertility treatments. Many couples were also overweight and suffering with niggling underlying health conditions that in many cases were lifestyle related....
Science of Aromatherapy - (5 CEC)
by Cheryl Whitten,BA, CA- 4.4
5 hours on-demand video
Learn the science & chemistry of aromatherapy & how to safely use essential oils for everyday health On completion of this course you will receive a certificate of completion, which can be submitted to the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada for 5 Continuing Competency credits for online/distance learning....
Yoga for all: Lose weight & detox to better health- 14 days
by Asha Rao- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Saathvic Diet - Learn about natural foods, their health benefits, and how they aid in and accelerate weight loss. Incorporate these healthy foods in your diet with quick, simple, and tasty recipes Invest in your health and join 1000s of students & teachers who have enjoyed the tremendous health benefits from this authentic Hatha Yoga program....
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Ketogenic Diet: Keto Nutrition Health Coach Certification
by Sanda Kruger- 4.6
8.5 hours on-demand video
Keto Nutrition Certified Health Coach Specialized in the Ketogenic Diet, Ketosis (Keto) and Intermittent Fasting Students who complete this course will receive an official health coaching certificate offered by Transformation Academy in collaboration with instructor Sanda Kruger of Mystic Core Movements. Mystic Core Movements LLC is in the process of obtaining international accreditation for its health and fitness coaching courses....
Foundations of Public Health Practice: Health Protection
by Wendy Kwok , Dr Richard J Pinder- 4.9
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Through short video lectures, practitioner interviews and a wide range of interactive activities, learners will be immersed in the world of public health practice. Designed for those new to the discipline, over three modules (intended for three weeks of learning), learners will become familiar with the scope, principles and nuances of health protection in the context of public health practice....
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Advanced Diploma
by Omar Abed- 4.5
10 hours on-demand video
A complete Degree program in one course, This Diploma is an Encyclopedia in The Natural Medicine field consult a physician if you are in any doubt, or if you are taken medication or drugs, because some of these remedies my conflict with the drugs. Learn in depth the Human Anatomy and Physiology Family Medicine and Public Health in depth...