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Analytics for Decision Making
by Rick Cleary , Nathan Karst , Davit Khachatryan , George Recck- 0.0
4 Weeks
This course will be is relevant for anyone eager to have a framework for good decision-making. It will be good preparation for students with a bachelor's degree contemplating graduate study in a business field. Understanding the ways in which quantitative models really work, however, is a management level skill that is unlikely to go out of style....
The Complete Guide to League of Legends
by LVLUP Dojo- 3.9
3.5 hours on-demand video
NicoThePico’s League of Legends course will feature the 3 most important aspects of the game. Wave Management Time Management Lastly, Nico has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics & Leadership, with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship & Business Management. Please enjoy Nico’s course and hopefully you too can level-up your game!...
Modernizing Your Android Applications
by Packt Publishing- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Moving on, you’ll implement Life Cycle Aware Components, use the viewmodel LiveData framework, and perform data management and persistence with the Room persistence solution. Yusuf earned his master's degree in Computer Engineering from Ryerson University in 2011 and started his career as a ....
Docker Fundamentals
by Packt Publishing- 2.7
4 hours on-demand video
The course begins with a basic introduction to Docker, and explore our first Hello world! example. Apart from his Electrical Engineering Degree (with honors) from the prestigious College of Engineering, Trivandrum, he also has studied Advanced Programming Techniques from TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), Mumbai....
Onboarding Employees - A Strategic Approach
by Sai Acuity Institute of Learning Pvt Ltd Enabling Learning Through Insight!- 3.9
1.5 hours on-demand video
A Talent Management Strategic Approach for Validation, Navigation, Integration & Separation! A Talent Management Strategic Approach for Validation, Navigation, Integration & Separation! In this course, we propose an onboarding model that can help talent management leads to plan and execute an effective onboarding for their organization....
Management & Leadership Course for New Manager - BUS103
by CreateUp Academy- 4
2 hours on-demand video
course is designed to help students develop management skills, and better Olivia who has an MBA degree and is willing to help....
ISO 9001, Quality Management and Strategic Thinking Training
by Hadi El Cheikh- 4.5
9.5 hours on-demand video
In this course (in which for sure we will extract some clauses and explain from the system), we will be concentrating on how to understand ISO 9001 Quality Management System as the way you do Business. The degree of your customer satisfaction? Management Review meeting importance (Inputs & Outputs needed/expected), NCRs and continually improving to reach an Analytical Mindset....
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Advanced Database Queries
by Aspen Olmsted- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn the fundamentals of interacting with relational database management systems, including issuing advanced queries that return complicated results sets. This is the 2nd course in the introductory, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Introduction to Databases MicroBachelors Program. The course utilizes the open-source relational database MySQL....
Introduction to Database Queries
by Aspen Olmsted- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn the fundamentals of interacting with relational database management systems, including issuing queries that return results sets and modify data. This is the 1st course in the introductory, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Introduction to Databases MicroBachelors Program. The course utilizes the open-source relational database MySQL....
Advanced Database Administration
by Aspen Olmsted- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn the fundamentals of administering relational database management systems, including managing concurrency and creating objects in the database This is the 3rd course in the introductory, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Introduction to Databases MicroBachelors Program. The course utilizes the open-source relational database MySQL....