Search result for Hotel management course list Online Courses & Certifications
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Wine-Tasting & Restaurant Assessment Criteria
by Kenneth Fisher- 4
3.5 hours on-demand video
This Wine-Tasting & Restaurant Assessment Criteria course covers the following important aspects i. Wine List / Ambience....
Customer Service Training: Dealing with Difficult Customers
by Gustavo Escobar Henríquez- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to deal with difficult customers | Master customer relationship management | Gain conflict management skills This course will show you the ECA Method for conflict management with difficult customers:...
SAP MM (Materials Management) Certification Training
by Uplatz Training- 0.0
12 hours on-demand video
Step-by-step course on SAP MM (Materials Management) module. Our SAP MM Training course is delivered by a highly experienced and expert tutor with industry experience of more than 15 years. Source List Basics of Source List What is Source List Significance and usage of Source List Creation of Source List Changing the Source List...
Mastering Interview Skills in 1 Hour with Fortune 500 Exec
by Wing Lee- 4.8
1 hour on-demand video
This course will provide you with a highly effective and systematic framework to get yourself prepared for any kind of interviews, and we have combined key principles together with real-life interview examples to ensure an impactful learning experience. [The course is conducted in English with Chinese Subtitles] Morgan, BlackRock, UBS, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart, FedEx, L’Oreal, Intercontinental Hotel Group etc....
52 Travel Hacks for Digital Nomads
by Louis Lakatos- 4.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
save thousands on airplane tickets, travel bookings, hotel accommodations and running an online business! I’m so glad I could create this course and share these secrets with you guys so you can enjoy your next trip as if you were Bruce Wayne – smart, classy, and efficient....
Oracle Cloud: Oracle cloud database administration
by Zulqarnain Hayat- 3.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
2- How to Hot clone PBDs without down time, flash back PBDs to a previous point in time, create automatically list partition tables and more. 3- How to resources management in oracle 12....
Complete Java Bootcamp! Swing, JavaFX, PostgreSQL, JDBC, JSP
by Emenwa Global- 3.8
50 hours on-demand video
Hotel Management System (HMS) Database Management Systems (DMS) Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language and this course will help you to understand the entire concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). You will build a complete Hotel Management System (HMS) featured with receipt generator, calculator, menu bar and currency converter...
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How to advance your career in Management
- 0.0
Differentiate your performance by doing simple management tasks effectively Welcome to an original course built on practical experience - "How to advance your career in Management". The course is aimed at: By the end of the course you will have created a short list of opportunities to take away and practice in your job....
by Vicki Hart- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
You will come away from this course with a simple change management framework & a robust toolkit you can use on the next change project at your company. For the last 20 years, I have designed & led change management initiatives in many Fortune 500 organizations across multiple industries. List the key roles in driving change...
Agile Project Management for Teams and Individuals
by Luke Angel- 4
1 hour on-demand video
This course will give you the tools and techniques you need to successfully manage a project through the agile lifecycle Agile project management permits you to In this course, author and Project Management Professional In this course you will learn...