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Javascript Crash Course: Go From Zero to Basics, Dom and OOP
by Nikoloz Sanakoevi- 3.9
3 hours on-demand video
Learn writing JavaScript code for your html and css. After this we will start discovering loops, conditionals, functions and objects! I wish you best of luck with JS! The html and css serve as the bases for this course so you must have some minimal knowledge of html and css even if you are a complete beginner....
Projects in PHP and MySQL
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4.4
20 hours on-demand video
it uses multiple choices and admins can create new quizes from within the browser Features/Technologies: PHP Syntax, PHPMyAdmin, MySQL Select, MySQL Insert, Loops, Superglobals (GET, POST), Associative Arrays, HTML/CSS, Includes, Math Functions PHP Lovers Blog Description: This blog project is much more advanced than the earlier projects. We utilize many of Codeigniters libraries, helpers and structure....
MATLAB Master Class: Go from Beginner to Expert in MATLAB
by Nouman Azam- 4.4
43 hours on-demand video
MATLAB Programming, problem solving , logic development and the use of customized functions Symbolic functions and variables for advance math operations File and directory handling Live scripts and sharing of results Advance data types including cells, tables, time tables and map containers Data science classification, clustering and dimensionality reduction with MATLAB...
MATLAB for the Absolute Beginner
- 3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Part 1: This session introduces the user to the Symbolic Math Toolbox Part 2: This session demonstrates how the functions in the Symbolic Math toolbox can be used to solve a numerical problem Part 3: This session demonstrates how to use Symbolic Math Toolbox to work with Laplace transforms and then moves to the Control System Toolbox....
Strategy and Sustainability
by Mike Rosenberg- 4.6
Approx. 16 hours to complete
Business and environmental sustainability are not natural bedfellows. com/la/book/9781137501738) that encourages learners to filter out the noise and make those choices in a hard-nosed and clear-eyed way. Rosenberg’s nuanced and fact-based point of view recognizes the complexity of the issues at hand and the strategic choices businesses must make. The Past, the Present and the Future...
Javascript for Beginners Learn by Doing Practical Exercises
by Edwin Diaz- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
Looking for a quick and easy way to learn Javascript? This course if for absolute beginners, and it is an introduction to the major components of javascript. My approach is the practice approach which is the number one key to learning any programming language or technical course faster and easier....
Programming For Non-Programmers: Fundamentals
by Christopher Michael- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
Designed for entrepreneurs, businesses, and junior developers. Ultimately knowing how to "talk to the talk" will help you communicate better with developers, and overall just look really cool. ", "What is this Javascript function thingy, and why am I passing it strange math equations to it? (FYI - This is important and often neglected or done poorly)...
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FPGA computing systems: Background knowledge and introductory materials
by Marco Domenico Santambrogio- 4.6
Approx. 46 hours to complete
One of the main objectives of this course is to try to democratize the understanding and the access to FPGAs technologies. FPGA and reconfiguration: a 1st definition From DRESD to CHANGE and ASAP, two new research initiatives from the Politecnico di Milano Closing remarks and future directions Closing remarks and future directions...
Digital Electronics: Robotics, learn by building module II
by Ian Juby- 0.0
13 hours on-demand video
Over 9,800 enrolled! Open doors to careers and hobbies and have fun while learning digital electronics! Building on the knowledge you gained in the Analog Electronics module opens even more doors to diverse careers and hobbies. You will connect these to the real world for home automation and of course, controlling your robots....
Top 5 Forex Strategies from a Professional Trader + 5 ROBOTS
by Petko Zhivkov Aleksandrov- 4.6
2.5 hours on-demand video
+700 Pips in 5 Days! Increase Your Profits Using 5 Profitable Forex Strategies and Not Only 1 The simple logic behind it is to buy when the price is low and to sell when the price is high. Ash - very clear and the logic in the ea is good, makes sense to me....