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Media and communication training. All bases covered.
by Mark Aiston- 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
Covers everything you would learn in a live half day session workshop. Free online publicity, Free press publicity, Get free publicity, Marketing your business, Promoting your business online, How to promote, Virgin media training, Training social media, Communication, Interview skills questions, Management of crisis, Crisis communications, PR campaign budget Small business strategies then Media Training starter series is a must....
Event Planning: learn how to plan a great event
by Jarno Stegeman- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
How to write an Event Management Plan and convince your permit officer If you want to organise an event or festival you need to submit an Event Management Plan to your license or permit officer. I will teach you what you need to include in your plan. In this workshop you will learn about: Only $50! Yes, let that sink in for a moment....
Capstone - Launch Your Own Business!
by Ken Szymusiak , Forrest S. Carter- 4.8
Approx. 19 hours to complete
It is time for you to take action! The concepts and skills presented throughout the courses in the specialization are applied in this capstone course where you will launch an actual business....
Complete Salesforce LIGHTNING Certified Administrator-2021
by Real Skills- 4.4
12 hours on-demand video
*Update published in December 2020:*Updated for Winter '21**: Release notes on what is new for the latest release People who are currently working as Salesforce administrators, and want to enhance their practical knowledge to aid in their jobs How Sales and Marketing Apps work in Salesforce How data management works in Salesforce...
Corporate Sustainability. Understanding and Seizing the Strategic Opportunity
by Maurizio Zollo- 4.6
Approx. 16 hours to complete
In this course, thought leaders in a wide variety of management and economics fields illustrate how to assess and seize the opportunities offered by these global emergencies. A New, Research-based, Approach to the Development of a Sustainability Mindset – Maurizio Zollo (optional: meditation podcasts in the Download section) Investing in the Sustainable Future...
Secure Software Development: Requirements, Design, and Reuse
by David A. Wheeler- 0.0
7 Weeks
This course discusses the basics of security, such as what risk management really means. This is the first of the three courses in the Secure Software Development Fundamentals Professional Certificate program, and was developed by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), a project of the Linux Foundation focused on securing the open source ecosystem....
Digital Lifestyle Blueprint
by Paul Freeman- 0.0
11 hours on-demand video
(All videos are in English). Affiliate Marketing In addition to having over 25 years real-world experience in commercial sales & business development, and extensive product management and marketing, often responsible for overseeing multi-million annual revenues whilst working for companies in the UK, and Sweden, I went on to setup my own businesses....
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Financial Accounting and Analysis
by Padmini Srinivasan- 0.0
6 Weeks
Concepts learnt in the course can be applied in day to day management for improving operations and creating value for the organization. The course will be covered in an easy, simple and interactive manner through various hands-on activities, short cases and easy-to-understand examples. Various accounting standards with respect to the elements in the financial statements...
Predict Consumer Decisions with Choice-Based Conjoint
by Luke Greenacre- 4.1
4.5 hours on-demand video
Choice-Based Conjoint, also often called Discrete Choice Experimentation, is a powerful research and management tool that allow us to understand and predict people's preferences. This course is suitable for managers, marketing/business researchers, and academic researchers interested in building an understanding of CBC....
商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales
by Andrea Mürau HarawayTop Instructor , Wanda Huber , Jenny Young , Beatriz Fuentes-Anderson- 0.0
Approx. 32 hours to complete
Develop your skills along with authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve their communication skills. ● Get instant feedback about the efficiency of your business communication skills in English from sales and marketing professionals from around the world 10 Checkpoint: Concise Language for Social Media Marketing...