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Data Science Tools
by Romeo Kienzler , Svetlana Levitan , Maureen McElaney- 0.0
7 Weeks
Learn about the most popular data science tools, including how to use them and what their features are. In this course, you'll learn about Data Science tools like Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio IDE, and Watson Studio. This hands-on course will get you up and running with some of the latest and greatest data science tools....
Excel Power Query Training - Beginners to Advanced level
by Abhay Gadiya- 0.0
5 hours on-demand video
Data modelling using get & transform for business intelligence and data analytics in Excel 2010 -2016 using Power Query Power Query is a tool that can be used for data discovery, reshaping the data and combining data ( Merge / Blend / Consolidate, etc. Do you need to import data for above reporting from different sources?...
Data Wrangling with Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.6
3.5 hours on-demand video
Creating actionable data from raw sources For data to be useful and meaningful, it must be curated and refined. Tirthajyoti Sarkar works as a senior principal engineer in the semiconductor technology domain, where he applies cutting-edge data science/machine learning techniques for design automation and predictive analytics. He writes regularly about Python programming and data science topics....
Data Mining - Clustering/Segmentation Using R, Tableau
by ExcelR Solutions- 3.9
7 hours on-demand video
Learn Data Mining - Clustering Segmentation Using R,Tableau Learn Data Mining - Clustering Segmentation Using R,Tableau is designed to cover majority of the capabilities of R from Analytics & Data Science perspective, which includes the following: From there R is explained thoroughly including analytical concepts behind applicable Data Mining Techniques....
Signals, Systems, and Learning
by Richard G. Baraniuk- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn the mathematical backbone of data science. Data science is of growing importance in every STEM field. While data science tools are more readily available now than ever before, properly using these tools requires a mathematical understanding of the algorithms within. Theoretical understanding of data models and systems for processing signals, images, and other data...
Fundamentals of Negotiation, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women
by Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women , Edward David , Anne Donnellon , Michael Fetters , Geetha Krishnan , Mori Taheripour , Sarah Underwood- 4.6
Approx. 4 hours to complete
This free online course is one of 10 courses available in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women collection, designed for entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. This course will examine negotiation and explore the tools you need in order to negotiate confidently, as you pursue opportunities for business growth....
Beginners R Programming: Data Science and Machine Learning!
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.1
5 hours on-demand video
R Programming for Absolute Beginners: from Data Analytics to Visualization to Machine Learning! John has been set up as an online mentor to partner with students looking to enter into the data science profession. In addition, John uses R as a hobby and will also help various businesses with data manipulation, network optimization and other data science tasks....
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Business Statistics with R
by Diego Fernandez- 3.7
4 hours on-demand video
Learning business statistics is indispensable for data science applications in areas such as consumer analytics, finance, banking, health care, e-commerce or social media. But as learning curve can become steep as complexity grows, this course helps by leading you step by step using S&P 500® Index ETF prices historical data for business statistics analysis to achieve greater effectiveness....
Data Analysis with R
by Mangirdas Adomaitis- 4
5 hours on-demand video
Learn data analytics in easy to follow stages for beginners Various data types Conditional statements For and While loops No previous programming knowledge required. Finally, data mining and data science techniques in R delivered in clear fashion together with assignments to make sure you understand topics. Main statistical capabilities behind data science covered....
210+ Exercises - Python Standard Libraries - from A to Z
by Paweł Krakowiak- 4.8
28 mins on-demand video
100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - NumPy 100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas 100+ Exercises - Python - Data Science - scikit-learn 250+ Exercises - Data Science Bootcamp in Python The course is designed for people who have basic knowledge in Python. We will use, for example:...