Search result for Personal training and development Online Courses & Certifications
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Trading Biotech Stocks - Understanding the Healthcare Sector
by R-Tutorials Training- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
To protect yourself against clueless trading and the superiority of institutional traders, it is important to get proper training first. Biotech training material and education for the private investor is hard to find. If you understand how drug development works, you will be able to read the signs and make sound decisions....
B.E.A.T. Tiredness - 4 Keys to Unlocking AMAZING Energy
by Hari Kalymnios- 4
5.5 hours on-demand video
Listening to and reading personal development. 5 hrs of video training from me personally (and 20 handouts) and is a comprehensive course designed to give you what you need to know to move forward in your life - with energy. Along with the video training lectures, there are a number of supplementary materials to print out and review....
Budget Master Class
by The Everyday Investor Club- 3.6
1 hour on-demand video
Succeed At The Business of You: Personal Chief Financial Officer Training Create a personal balance sheetCreate a personal income statementAnalyze your resources and capacity and any potential risksUse quantitative analysis to identify both the strengths and weaknesses in your budget and spending patterns. There are 10 interactive lectures where you will use your own income and expenses to learn the easiest and most effective ways to analyze your own personal finance numbers....
Mindfulness - Professional Sound Training.
by Sander Guis- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
A powerful sound training that lets you actually experience mindfulness as you listen to calming nature sounds. The exercises are professionally produced sound trainings, based on the beautiful ancient story of the Zen Master and his pupil. Again, feel free to send me your personal message. Note: this course focuses more on practical training, rather than theoretical information and backgrounds....
Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses. All of our programs are created based on over a decade of experience in education, business development and coaching, as well as my background in psychology, including my Master’s in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH....
WordPress for Beginners (Step by Step Guide)
by Tapesh Chowdhury- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
Learn how to build your own website with WordPress for professional and personal use. You will learn how to build & do web development for your WordPress website for free except for the hosting plan and theme, but everything else I will be showing you all the free methods to do it....
Build Your Own Budget (BYOB) - Easy Step-By-Step Guide
by Taariq Muhammad- 5
1 hour on-demand video
This course combined with the included Excel tool is going to save you time and show you how budgeting can be easy & actually add more enjoyment to our lives! This course is designed to help you create and maintain your personal budget, regardless of where you are in life or how much budgeting experience you may already have....
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Personal Cacao Ceremony Training Online Course (LVL 2 - PRO)
by Marie Ame- 4.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
This personal cacao ceremony course will help you access all of this and build a stable and quality home practice. After each intimate personal cacao ceremony you'll feel a sense of relief, release, openness, and a deep connection to the universe and yourself. You will learn all about personal cacao ceremonies and rituals....
Google Blogger Training: Create A Blog For Free, Make Money
by Jamiu Oloyede- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
Start earning from google blogger blog, build your profitable personal brand via blogging, generate traffic, SEO ranking GOOGLE BLOGGER TRAINING COURSE LAST UPDATED: 05/11/2018 , one of the students of this course left a 5 star review and has this to say: Good tutor and well experienced person , pls make a course about google ad-sense ...
Node.js Design Patterns
by Packt Publishing- 4.2
2.5 hours on-demand video
During the early 2000s, Sachin forayed into Computer Graphics and Visual Effects training and production. From developing world-class curricula to imparting training to over five thousand students in the classroom and over twenty-five thousand online, Sachin has actively contributed to fueling innovation, creating brand identities, and crafting innovative software solutions for corporate companies and individuals alike....