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Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python: una introducción práctica
by Saeed Aghabozorgi , Adrián Tozzi- 0.0
5 Weeks
El Machine Learning puede ser una herramienta increíblemente beneficiosa para descubrir información y predecir tendencias futuras. Este curso en linea te sumergirá en los conceptos básicos acerca del Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) con Python, siendo este ultimo un lenguaje de programación accesible y conocido....
How Google does Machine Learning 日本語版
by Google Cloud Training- 4.5
Approx. 8 hours to complete
機械学習とはどのようなもので、どのような問題を解決できるでしょうか。Google は機械学習について、データだけでなくロジックの面からも独自の視点で考えています。機械学習モデルのパイプラインの構築について検討する際、このようなフレーミングがなぜデータ サイエンティストにとって有益であるかを説明します。 次に、候補となるユースケースを機械学習を利用できるように変換する 5 つの段階について説明し、こうした段階を省略しないことの重要性について検討します。最後に、機械学習によって増幅される可能性のあるバイアスと、それを認識する方法について確認します。 >>> この専門講座に登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり、Qwiklabs の利用規約(https://qwiklabs. com/terms_of_service)に同意したことになります。<<< コースの概要 専門講座「GCP での機械学習」の概要 Google が選ばれる理由 Google Cloud が選ばれる理由 Google の最新情報 Google Cloud での ML の概要 AI ファーストとは AI ファーストとは ML の 2 つの段階 Google のサービスにおける機械学習 Google フォトの機械学習 Google 翻訳と Gmail ヒューリスティック ルールの置き換え 事前トレーニング済みモデル Sara Robinson と機械学習について学習する(単なるルールではない ML) Vision API の実用例 Video Intelligence API...
New in Big Data: Hive, HiveMall, AWS Lambda, Solr, Kibana
by Elena Akhmatova- 3.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Big Data ETL, Machine Learning and Data Visualization. Data InputETLPredictive Modelling using Machine LearningData Visualization Deployment to AWS using AWS Lambda and Amazon EMR bundle Apache HiveMall is a Machine Learning library of tomorrow. Like Hive it allows to use complex machine learning algorithms knowing SQL only. Apache HiveMall Machine Learning library implements many useful Machine Learning algorithms (Supervised classification, LDA, RandomForest, etc....
Virtual Machines For Ethical Hacking
by James "Jim" McAlonan- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
I'll guide you through the process of downloading and installing a hypervisor called VirtualBox, creating your first virtual machine (VM) and installing a Linux distribution called Debian to it. I'll also show you how to set up an intentionally vulnerable virtual machine for practising against....
Statistics Primer for Data Scientist's
by Sai Acuity Institute of Learning Pvt Ltd Enabling Learning Through Insight!- 4.2
3 hours on-demand video
Machine Learning Machine learning allows you to train computers to act independently so that we do not have to write detailed instructions for performing certain tasks. For this reason, machine learning is of great value for almost any area, but first of all, of course, it will work well where there is Data Science....
Data Wrangling with Python
by Packt Publishing- 3.6
3.5 hours on-demand video
Samik Sen is currently working with R on Machine Learning. from the University of Illinois and certifications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning from Stanford and MIT. He holds a master's degree in computer science from West Bengal University Of Technology and certifications in machine learning from Stanford....
CNC Milling machine programming using G-Code
by Marc Cronin- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learning to read and write CNC programs with FANUC G Code has never been so easy Do you have access to a CNC router or milling machine and need to learn how to program it? Get a foot in the door in any machine shop by learning to program CNC milling machines....
Windows Presentation Foundation Masterclass
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 4.5
20.5 hours on-demand video
Leverage WPF with C# and XAML to build real world skills with Azure, REST, MVVM and Machine Learning NET skills by learning a new and valuable framework. You will learn how to use WPF to build and access powerful REST services (specifically weather information and machine learning in this course)....
Deep Learning CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks with Python
by AI Sciences- 4.5
14 hours on-demand video
Use CNN for Image Recognition, Computer vision using TensorFlow & VGGFace2! For Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI They are everywhere now, ranging from audio processing to more advanced reinforcement learning (i. Transfer Learning Practical techniques for transfer learning Implementation of transfer learning using TensorFlow-hub An overview of concepts of Deep Learning theory. TensorFlow (Deep learning framework by Google)....
Complete Time Series Data Analysis Bootcamp In R
by Minerva Singh- 4.2
5.5 hours on-demand video
Learn How To Work With Time Series/Temporal Data Using Statistical Modelling & Machine Learning Techniques In R You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to to finally implementing powerful statistical and machine learning algorithms for analyzing time series data. NO PRIOR R OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!...