Search result for Model training and evaluation Online Courses & Certifications
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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification-ASCB Accredited
by OpEx GURU- 4.2
10.5 hours on-demand video
Six Sigma is a disciplined data-driven approach for reducing variation in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and thereby eliminating defects. Week 0: Overview of Lean Management and Lean Six Sigma Concept of VA and NVA So we welcome you to our course on ASCB Accredited Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Certification !!!...
Mastering Entity Framework Core: Mapping & Manipulating Data
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
3.5 hours on-demand video
In a step by step manner, master Entity Framework Core and effectively start developing and managing data-driven applica Entity framework is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that offers an automated mechanism to developers for storing and accessing the data in the database. You will learn the specifics or SQL Server types and how to map them to ....
Train the Trainer Foundation: Adult Education Mastery Course
by Jason Teteak- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
Bonus Materials: 169 Page Learner Guide, Training Checklists, Oral & Written Reviews, Learning Style Assessment, and 5 quizzes The Rule the Room Train the Trainer team, under Jason’s management, has flipped the model and changed the approach to great training and instruction for even the most seasoned veterans. This training is different, and the activites will reflect those differences....
Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure - ACI - Explained
by SME Learning Academy- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Cisco ACI Training - Learn Cisco ACI - Understand the components, how it functions and integrate in the data center! In a full program aimed at mastering ACI skills, this ACI training is your first Application Centric Infrastructure course, and the first step to master Cisco's ACI (data center Software Defined Networks [SDN] solution). ACI policy model...
Advanced Training for Trauma Treatment of Complex PTSD
by Robert Rhoton- 4.8
15.5 hours on-demand video
This course provides comprehensive presentation of clinical skills for screening/assessing, stabilizing, skills-building, and treating complex post traumatic stress in all its challenging presentations. Apply Herman’s Tri-Phasic Model to conceptualization, titration and delivery of treatment for C- PTSD. Building and enhancing post traumatic resilience Engaging and optimizing post traumatic growth Implementing Forward-Facing Trauma Therapy as reconnection, resilience and moral healing strategy....
Python Regression Analysis: Statistics & Machine Learning
by Minerva Singh- 4.4
6 hours on-demand video
Evaluate regression model accuracy This course is your one shot way of acquiring the knowledge of statistical and machine learning analysis that I acquired from the rigorous training received at two of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal like PLOS One....
Windows Presentation Foundation Masterclass
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 4.5
20.5 hours on-demand video
Leverage WPF with C# and XAML to build real world skills with Azure, REST, MVVM and Machine Learning NET framework and provides a consistent programming model for building applications by separating the user interface from business logic. It uses XAML (an XML based language) and C#. It's heavily supported by Microsoft and is a mature and powerful framework....
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Chapter Two of Chinese Tea Art Micro-course: Green Tea 绿茶篇
by Mabol Discover Cha- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Green tea the majority of tea produced and consumed in China. And how to brew green tea properly? All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority....
Learn MSBI , SSIS , SSRS and SSAS Step by Step
by Shivprasad Koirala- 4.5
23 hours on-demand video
Covers all 3 concepts SSIS , SSAS and SSRS. Lab 2:- Conditional split, Data conversion and Error handling. Lab 3:- For Loop, Variables, Parameters and Debugging. Lab 34 :- Explain Tabular Model and Power Pivot (SSAS). Lab 43 :- Tabular Training 1 :- Installation, Xvelocity, Vertipaq, DAX,Creating cubes,measures, KPI, Partition and Translation?...
How 8 Financial Ratios Can Allow You to Analyse Any Business
- 3.8
And if this is all foreign to you: firstly, congratulations on taking the first steps, you won’t regret it. the ratios which by their simplicity make it possible to manipulate the financial analysis and to create a model of analysis that suits the user according to his objective....