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React Native and Redux Course using hooks
by Mukesh Phulwani- 4.4
14.5 hours on-demand video
we will be also learning about Animations basics to enhance user experience. you will be learning every thing you need to know in order to become a job ready React Native developer. Here is the list of projects which we will be making - we will be making clone of youtube app using youtube api....
AP® Physics 2 - Part 1: Fluids and Thermodynamics
by Reid Whitaker , Matt Wilson- 0.0
4 Weeks
Preparing for the AP Physics 2 exam requires a deep understanding of many different topics in physics as well as an understanding of the AP exam and the types of questions it asks. You will also be learning about heat, its transfer and how we have taken advantage of its behavior in different types of technology....
Data Visualization
by John C. Hart- 4.5
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Learn the general concepts of data mining along with basic methodologies and applications. Learn in-depth concepts, methods, and applications of pattern discovery in data mining. We will also introduce methods for pattern-based classification and some interesting applications of pattern discovery. Overview of Visualization Week 2: Visualization of Numerical Data Week 3: Visualization of Non-Numerical Data...
Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims
by Dr. Roger Louis Martínez-Dávila- 4.5
Approx. 27 hours to complete
This course explores Jewish, Christian, and Muslim intercultural relations in Iberia from the Visigothic era (6th century CE) until the creation of Queen Isabel I and King Ferdinand II Catholic Spain (late 15th century). We evaluate the many identities of the peninsula known as Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and Islamic al-Andalus....
Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques
by Enrico Bertini , Cristian Felix- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
These techniques are organized around data types to cover advance methods for: temporal and spatial data, networks and trees and textual data. Learning Goals The course expects you to have some basic knowledge of programming as well as some basic visualization skills (as those introduced in the first course of the specialization)....
Introduction to R Programming for Data Science
by Yan Luo- 4.8
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course introduces you to the basics of the R language such as data types, techniques for manipulation, and how to implement fundamental programming tasks. You will begin the process of understanding common data structures, programming fundamentals and how to manipulate data all with the help of the R programming language....
Complete PHP from Scratch for Beginners
by Srinivas Vanamala- 4.7
17.5 hours on-demand video
16+ hours of PHP Training fully focused on Writing and Learning PHP Code . Types of Operators – Conditional, Arithmetical, Incremental, Logical, Assignment, Comparison, Bitwise, Execution and Error Control Operators. Work with Data Types and Create your own Variables of scalar data types. Create different types of Arrays – Empty, Mixed, Indexed, Associative and Multi Dimension Arrays....
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Learn to Read Tarot Cards
by Sephera Giron- 4.2
6 hours on-demand video
There are many theories about when tarot cards were actually invented and who used them! For the purposes of this course, we'll just be focusing on the practical aspects of using tarot cards and tarot readings in our modern day lives. You will learn the basics of how to read tarot cards for your friends, family, or even total strangers....
Planning for your G Suite Deployment
by Google Cloud Training- 4.8
Approx. 5 hours to complete
Learning Objectives By the end of this course participants will be able to: - Describe the different types of domains that G Suite supports and explain how domains are provisioned in G Suite. - Discuss mail routing types and explain how routing should be configured during each phase of a G Suite deployment. Types of Coexistence...
JavaScript For Beginners - Learn JavaScript From Scratch
by Robin Haney- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
JavaScript Basics - In the first module you will be learning the very basics of JavaScript. In this module you will learn about the basic different types of functions you can create. In this module you will learn about the different types of loops there are in JavaScript. You will be learning about the different types of arrays in this module....