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Python NumPy For Absolute Beginners
by Eftekher Husain- 3.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Python Numpy with simple videos to help you solve real-life situations and challenges in Data Science If you want to learn the fundamentals of Python Numpy for Data Science and want to use it for creating awesome programs that can help you with real-world situations, this course is just for you!...
Complete Data Analysis with Pandas : Hands-on Pandas Python
by Ankit Mistry- 4.3
17 hours on-demand video
Learn in demand skill Pandas, Sci-kit Learn, Numpy For Data Science & Machine Learning : Seaborn | MatplotLib | Python Great going, ankit is good at explanation of data processing stuff. Update : New section on Data visualization library Matplotlib and Seaborn added. If you want to master most in-demand data analysis library pandas, carry on reading....
Full stack web development and AI with Python (Django)
by John Harper- 4.4
39.5 hours on-demand video
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django, Pandas, Sklearn, Keras, Git, Linux, AWS - Full stack web dev + data science + AI Data science - the ability to handle, clean, visualise and analyse big data. Some of the biggest salaries and investments go into Data Scientists (NumPy, Pandas, Sklearn, Matplotlib, Seaborn)...
Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with R Projects
by R-Tutorials Training- 4.4
3.5 hours on-demand video
Applied data science with R. Things like exponential smoothing, ARIMA models, time series cross validation, missing data handling, visualizations and forecasts are easily accessible in R and its add on packages. The resulting data requires loads of pre-processing and cleaning including missing data imputation....
Python: Python Programming for Artificial Intelligence (1)
8.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Python like a Pro! Start with basics to learn Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - (2020) Data Science When it comes to data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence, Python language comes to mind first. DATAI TEAM is a team of Python Programmers and Data Scientists....
Learn Python Monster Course : Grow Your Python Skills
by Lernen Hub Academy- 4.1
12.5 hours on-demand video
Grow Your Python Skills for Data Science, Machine Learning, Django Deep learning Flask. Python for Data Science , Machine Learning , Web Development , Django , Flask, Deep Learning this course is best for your to advance your Python Skills Learn Python Skills for data scientist , Machine Learning and Web Development like Django, Flask with Python...
Julia Programming For Data Science & Machine Learning: Julia
by Ankit Mistry- 3.9
4 hours on-demand video
Learn power of Julia High performace programming for Data Science and Machine Learning with nearly C like Performace This course mainly focus on data science aspect of Julia. Data frame package Analyse Data with Julia Dataframes package equivalent to pandas in Python Sale Prediction using Linear Regression on Sales Data with GLM Package...
Python Programming Bible: Hands-On Python 3 with 10 Projects
by Vijay Gadhave- 4.7
14 hours on-demand video
Python for Beginners, Learn Python Programming in Fun-Fashion, Python for Data Science, Machine Learning, GUI and More ! 1) Data Structures in Python 8) Matplotlib : Data Visualization, Plotting different graphs Data Structures in Python Matplotlib Data Visualization, Plotting different graphs...
Metabolomics in Life Sciences
by Eiichiro Fukusaki , Shuichi Shimma , Sastia Prama Putri , Katsuaki Nitta- 0.0
4 Weeks
We will provide a summary of all steps in metabolomics research; from experimental design, sample preparation, analytical procedures, to data analysis. These include examples within food science and technology, metabolic engineering, basic biology, introduction to imaging mass spectrometry, and application in medical science. Workflow of metabolomics research from design of experiment to data interpretation...
Digital Networks Essentials
by Pierre Rolin , Laurent Toutain , Olivier Paul , Géraldine Texier- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn through hands-on experience how data flows through the internet, your phone and the IP protocols that support all online communications. Every business today depends on connectivity, and now there is increasing demand for engineers who can design, develop and manage data networks – and keep them secure as well....