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Record & Mix Music like a Pro - Acoustic Guitars and Vocals!
by Deborah Reeves- 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
Take this course and start creating professional sounding recordings and mixes for your personal music projects - sound better and get noticed more. This is an in-depth step by step guide to what you need to know to get a great sounding recording and mix. Two major recording styles are shown: live recording and multi-tracking....
The Complete Masterclass For Personal Transformation
- 4.4
You Will Learn The Science Of Neurology In Personal Success And Development, How Neuroplasticity Works And How You Can Use Its Science To Grow You Will Learn How To Become Productive and Effective, Diving Deep Into The Principles Of Personal And Modern Productivity, Efficient Creativity, Time Management, Goal Setting, Planning, And Execution...
Django for Beginners: The Ultimate Course for Web Developers
by AkaSkills! 35,000+ Students- 3.8
6.5 hours on-demand video
Django is free and open source Python Web framework that provides quick web development with clean and efficient design. Django is a free and open source Python Web framework that provides quick web development with the clean and efficient design. > Work with Admin panel and Model > Implement Database (MySQL and Sqlite) Connectivity...
What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)?
by Michael W. Ross- 4.6
Approx. 27 hours to complete
In the last decade transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals have become increasingly visible in our families, culture, and public discourse. Economics and the transgender community Society and Public Policy in the United States Introduction to Society and Public Policy in the United States - Nova Bradford Discrimination and Bathroom Policies - Dr....
Beginners Guide to Fitness and Muscle Building
by Gam Sassoon- 4.2
31 mins on-demand video
Do you want a professional personal trainer to design a workout plan for your level? Balance training The majority of information about weight training is misleading. Most armature fitness enthusiasts train to become bodybuilders, ignoring balance and functional strength, the keys to injury prevention and physical health. The correct way to train is by emphasizing functional fitness, flexibility, and balance...
Modelli di insegnamento nella ricerca educativa
by Flavia Santoianni- 0.0
6 Weeks
The course promotes basic theoretical knowledge related to methodological skills for teachers training in educational practices. It contributes to teacher training as it explores theories and methods of teaching and learning. The course will also explore the historical reasons underpinning the development of traditional and modern teaching and learning models. classical, contemporary, and experimental teaching model;...
IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts
by Google Career CertificatesTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 30 hours to complete
This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they can show up. ● how to evaluate potential risks and recommend ways to reduce risk. Supplementary reading on HAProxy, nginx and Apache HTTP server Supplementary reading for WEP Encryption and Why You Shouldn't Use It...
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Learn jQuery: An In-depth Course For Beginners
by Infinite Skills- 3.9
4.5 hours on-demand video
This jQuery for beginners course provides a complete guide to web-based development using this Javascript library that allows unprecedented functionality and graphical effects. With hands-on training from expert author and web designer Craig Buckler, you'll learn the internal structure of the jQuery library and see how you can create functional animations, utilities and effects according to current web standards....
Richard Schechner's Introduction to Performance Studies
by Richard Schechner- 4.9
Approx. 25 hours to complete
Performance Studies: An Introduction explores the wide world of performance--from theatre, dance, and music to ritual, play, political campaigns, social media, and the performances of everyday life. Compare, analyze, and interpret performances of their own and other cultures RONALD GRIMES: ANIMAL AND HUMAN RITUALS RICHARD SCHECHNER: TURNER AND SOCIAL DRAMA RICHARD SCHECHNER: LIMINAL AND COMMUNITAS...
Instructional Design: Digital Media, New Tools and Technology
by Brandie Shatto- 0.0
8 Weeks
Explore the design, development and use of digital media and emerging technologies to support online teaching and learning. Instructional designers today have a tremendous number of tools and resources available to them to create highly engaging courses. How to design and use instructional materials to enhance online teaching and learning...