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Blender 3D from zero to hero
by Widhi Muttaqien, S.Kom, MMSI- 4.7
26.5 hours on-demand video
After completing this course you should be able to model a construction robot like in the course cover image, add materials to it, create lights, and then render it using the EEVEE rendering engine. Part 4: Construction robot project HANDS-ON PROJECTS There are many hands-on projects in course....
Autodesk Revit in 4 Hours
by Packt Publishing- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
Autodesk Revit boasts powerful tools that allow you to efficiently plan and manage your projects and visualize your designs. Then you will create custom elements that allow you to add a level of detail and design to make your projects unique....
Real Estate Development in Excel (Includes Template)
by Daniel Davis- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Designed to model a construction loan, a take-out permanent loan, a balloon payment and all of the debt service payments along the way....
Startups in open innovation
by Титов Виктор Олегович/Titov Victor , Irina Brusakova , Anna Kouzmina , Nadezhda Pokrovskaia , Ващук Ангелина Эдуардовна/Vashchuk Angelina- 0.0
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This course is made for everyone, who is interested in the development of startup projects in the realm of globalisation, crowdsourcing and the emergence of "open-source" innovations. Business as construction of value creation chain in the context of open knowledge The organization and management of open innovation projects Startup environment: institutions that support and finance innovative projects...
A Look at Environmental and Social Risk Management in Projects Financed by the IDB
by Cristiane Ronza , Annette Killmer , Mariko Russell- 0.0
1 Weeks
As a consequence, it provides orientations that contribute to appropriate management of environmental and social risks that can result from the implementation of projects in the region. Identify the role of government agencies with regard to the management of environmental and social risks and the execution of projects financed by the IDB....
Construction Claims: Proving & Pricing Acceleration Claims
by N.M. Raj- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Sample Acceleration Claim: A detailed template in MS Word which can be used as a basis to create acceleration claims on your projects This course is essential for all construction professionals who are interested in learning how to prepare ADVANCED quantum calculations for Acceleration claims. Top construction companies and consultancies are always on the lookout for professionals with claims expertise....
Classical Drawing
by Luis Borrero- 4.8
8 hours on-demand video
Drawing Fundamentals Learn the art of classical drawing with this course dedicated to the classical drawing methods of the Renaissance. The full curriculum includes 5 projects, designed to teach beginner or experienced students important skills necessary to gain proficiency in the Art of classical drawing. The complete course teaches students the following skills....
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The Advanced Real Estate Development Modeling Master Class
by Justin Kivel- 4.8
13.5 hours on-demand video
Build a dynamic construction budget (including S-Curve functionality) Model dynamic lease-up revenue and expenses that change automatically as construction timelines change You've bought rental homes or duplexes, and now you're looking to become a real estate developer and want to feel confident in your ability to analyze new ground-up construction projects...
Oracle E-Business Suite (R12.1.3) Technical RICEW
by Sreeram ERPTech- 0.0
21.5 hours on-demand video
Types of Projects (4) Menu construction Request group construction...
Spliting Model Elements in Revit 2020 with Dynamo 2.1
by Enrique Galicia- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
A lot of projects are disconnected between design construction and project managment so a lot of time its wasted on dividing, following and keeping track of changes....