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Design a CPU
by Ross McGowan- 4.8
8 hours on-demand video
Computer Architecture and Design I work through the design of a simple CPU (Central Processing Unit) which is the beating heart of a modern computer. We design and simulate the following blocks An algorithm that multiplies 2 numbers together (might not sound like much but you can then design your own algorithms and simulate them on YOUR OWN CPU)....
Packet Switching Networks and Algorithms
by Xiaobo Zhou- 4.7
Approx. 18 hours to complete
End-to-end argument in system design (Required) Dijkstra Algorithm Lecture Slide - Dijkstra Algorithm...
计算几何 | Computational Geometry
by Junhui Deng- 0.0
16 Weeks
Since then, this phrase has been used to refer to algorithmic study on discrete and combinatorial geometric structures and can also be regarded as the geometric version of Algorithm Design and Analysis. Computational Geometry is now considered the basis of robotics, computer aided design and manufacturing (CAM and CID), and geographic information systems (GIS)....
Hardware Security
by Gang Qu- 4.3
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Upon completing the course, students will understand the vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and the physical attacks to these systems. They will learn that security starts from hardware design and be familiar with the tools and skills to build secure and trusted hardware. Vulnerabilities in Digital Logic Design Design Intellectual Property Protection...
Computational Reasoning
by Jonathan Sim- 0.0
8 Weeks
They will learn to identify problems and design solutions, while also developing a critical awareness of the merits and limits of their methods, thereby empowering them to make better-informed decisions and to articulate the reasons for those decisions Understand the rudimentary concepts of algorithm design...
Algebra & Algorithms
by Дмитрий ИльинскийTop Instructor , Alex Dainiak- 0.0
Approx. 30 hours to complete
Algebra is one of the definitive and oldest branches of mathematics, and design of computer algorithms is one of the youngest. Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm Toom’s algorithm Toom’s algorithm (continued) Computing Distances: Seidel’s algorithm Seidel’s algorithm (continued) Computing determinants in parallel: Chistov’s Algorithm Chistov’s Algorithm (continued)...
Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineers: Part 1 (2020)
by Srinidhi Ranganathan- 3
1 hour on-demand video
On the contrary, these techniques have more sophisticated applications in construction management, design optimisation, risk control, and quality control. As technology evolves, one can expect, along with the computer technology, the genetic algorithm in civil engineering application will be more general and more effective....
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Geometric Algorithms
by Kevin Buchin- 0.0
Approx. 18 hours to complete
This course deals with the algorithmic aspects of these tasks: we study techniques and concepts needed for the design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures. - to decide which algorithm or data structure to use in order to solve a given basic geometric problem,...
I/O-efficient algorithms
by Mark de Berg- 4.6
Approx. 10 hours to complete
These data fetches are also called I/O operations and need to be taken into account during the design of an algorithm. A cache-aware algorithm for matrix transposition A cache-oblivious algorithm for matrix transposition...
Mastering CSS Grid 2020 - With 3 cool projects
by Daryl Duckmanton- 4.7
17 hours on-demand video
Grid areas and how it helps simplify responsive web design A deep look into the Autoplacement algorithm...