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Medical Neuroscience
by Leonard E. White, Ph.D.- 4.9
Approx. 71 hours to complete
This online course is designed to include all of the core concepts in neurophysiology and clinical neuroanatomy that would be presented in most first-year neuroscience courses in schools of medicine. Nevertheless, our aim is to faithfully present in scope and rigor a medical school caliber course experience....
Videoscribe : Master Whiteboard Animation From Zero To Hero
by Maggie Osama- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Also, used by online instructors who want to create high quality explainer and engaging videos to their students. Maggie's Online Learning School - Teaching 15 Courses on Udemy OVER 37,000 successful students have already taken my online courses since October 2016 with many 5 Star Reviews About Maggie's Online Learning School:...
101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You In Business School
by Chris Haroun- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Business Insider wrote an article stating that 101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School was voted as the #1 most popular business book this year by Business Insider readers. Chris Haroun is an award winning business school professor, venture capitalist and author. Chris teaches many courses online at Udemy....
#6 Piano Hand Coordination: Play Open 10 Ballad to 9/4 Song
by Rosa Suen- 4.8
41 mins on-demand video
Rosa's Online School: OVER 74,000 Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many 5 Star Reviews About Rosa's online course at Udemy: ...
Introduction to Statistics: Probability
by Philip B. Stark- 0.0
4 Weeks
2x is the second of three five-week courses that make up Stat2x, the online equivalent of Berkeley's Stat 2. What is the law of averages? (Unless you're really good at counting cards, in which case you could try blackjack, but perhaps after taking all these edX courses you'll find other ways of earning money....
Mastering Remote Work and Online Study in U.S. in the post-COVID Era
by Dr. Valeri Chukhlomin , Amy Giaculli , Dr. Bidhan Chandra , Dr. Dana Gliserman-Kopans , Dr. Anant Deshpande- 0.0
Approx. 24 hours to complete
Are you ready for the new, COVID-forced, online learning paradigm? Bonus interview: International students in American online courses The Role of the Online Instructor The Online Learning Environment Online library What is self-management and its importance in online learning? How can you be successful in online classes? Bonus video: International students in online environments...
The top 20 questions and answers to become a better parent
- 0.0
As an international parenting coach and school principal for over 20 years, I have created many online parenting courses where I share great emotionally intelligent skills that result in breakthroughs and happy children. And the best thing is that you don't need to have done any of my other courses to really get the value from this one....
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Electronic Music Production in Ableton Live (Level I)
- 0.0
To view Level II and Level III, as well as watch more advanced Ableton courses in electronic music production, DJing and synthesis, sign up for a membership at Noiselab. Noiselab is the top online school for electronic musicians. After completing these 3 courses you’ll be able to combine all of these elements into making a song....
Portrait Photography for Beginners
by William Carnahan- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
There are plenty of portrait photography courses to choose from. Video School Online has created some of the best selling online photography courses, and we always strive to help you learn new skills in a fun and engaging way!...
#1 Play Piano Trick: Rosa's Easy 4T6 Handshape Color Tones
by Rosa Suen- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Rosa's Online School: OVER 74,000 Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many 5 Star Reviews About Rosa's online course at Udemy: ...