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Agile Innovation and Problem Solving Skills
by John Johnson- 0.0
4 Weeks
This ensures you're targeting a good problem to solve, and that you understand the business model. How to employ an innovation process that fits your business model and situation By following best practices of Agile, including timeboxes, constraint-based thinking processes, and empathetic problem solving, you'll learn how to provide a sustainable innovation environment for your teams....
Data Science Course 2021: Complete Machine Learning Training
by Data-Driven Science- 4.2
17.5 hours on-demand video
Students will learn how to tackle any Machine Learning project by following those stages starting with framing the problem to actually deploying the model. Define the business problem that will be solved through Machine Learning Train Machine Learning algorithms to make predictions solving the business problem Select and build features that represent the underlying problem to the predictive model...
Master Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
by Warren Chalklen, PhD- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
In this course, you will learn a range of problem solving and decision making strategies. Students of this course will enjoy learning a range of problem solving and decision making strategies…. Over twenty decision making and problem solving strategies! Anyone interested in learning about or brushing up on their decision making skills....
Decision-Making for Autonomous Systems
by Jonas Sjöberg- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course will teach you the fundamental mathematical model for many of these real-world problems. Key topics include Markov decision process, reinforcement learning and event-based methods as well as the modelling and solving of decision-making for autonomous systems. Understand and apply reinforcement learning and event-based methods Model and solve decision-making problems for autonomous systems...
Image Recognition for Beginners using CNN in R Studio
by Start-Tech Academy- 4.3
6 hours on-demand video
Deep Learning based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Image recognition using Keras and Tensorflow in R Studio As managers in Global Analytics Consulting firm, we have helped businesses solve their business problem using Deep learning techniques and we have used our experience to include the practical aspects of data analysis in this course...
Robotics Foundations I - Robot Modeling
by Bruno Siciliano- 0.0
8 Weeks
Kinematics of robot manipulators is derived using a systematic approach based on the Denavit-Hartenberg convention and the use of homogeneous transformations. The inverse kinematics problem is analyzed and closed-form solutions are found for typical manipulation structures. Two approaches respectively based on Lagrange formulation and Newton-Euler formulation are pursued....
Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis
by Dursun Delen , Julie Pai- 4.4
Approx. 4 hours to complete
Welcome to Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis. In this course, we will explore different approaches in predictive modeling, and discuss how a model can be either supervised or unsupervised. Model Fitting Model Generalization Model Fitting...
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Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI)
by Pavel Pevzner , Phillip Compeau- 4.7
Approx. 24 hours to complete
The approach we will use is based on a powerful machine learning tool called a hidden Markov model. From a Crooked Casino to a Hidden Markov Model The Decoding Problem Viterbi Learning Soft Decoding Problem Baum-Welch Learning...
The Complete Supervised Machine Learning Models in Python
by Data Science Academy- 3.9
11 hours on-demand video
Learn the Intuition and Math behind Every Model In this course, you are going to learn all types of Supervised Machine Learning Models implemented in Python. The Math behind every model is very important. That is the reason, I have covered the Math behind every model in the intuition part of each Model....
Introduction to Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning
by Prof. Seyedali- 4.5
7 hours on-demand video
The Best Machine Learning Techniques for Data Science in Java and Neuroph with Application in Image Recognition Machine learning is an extremely hot area in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Machine learning is getting popular in all industries every single month with the main purpose of improving revenue and decreasing costs....