Search result for Quantitative finance Online Courses & Certifications
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Excel for Data Analysis: Basic to Expert Level
by Diego Fernandez- 0.0
7 hours on-demand video
It is also essential for academic careers in data analysis, applied statistics, economics, econometrics and quantitative finance....
Complete long term investing course on the stock market
3 hours on-demand video
The Complete value investing course is a road map for your personal and finance stock market success. · Understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis. The team productivity hub comprises of authors, fitness enthusiasts, lawyers and have explored the areas in finance related stuff such as the stock market, taxation and cryptocurrency and also investors in the stock market....
Defensive Stock Investing Via Quantitative Modeling In Excel
by AllQuant- 4.4
6.5 hours on-demand video
· Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk. Learn about quantitative Investing & how it is different from conventional methods of investing Master an established quantitative method used in hedge funds called Trend Following to trade stocks...
Master in Analisi Tecnica dei Mercati Finanziari
by Gianluca Sidoti- 4.2
6.5 hours on-demand video
TraDetector offre al corsista una panoramica completa delle metodologie dell’Analisi Tecnica (partendo dall’analisi grafica di base, per arrivare alle più recenti e sofisticate metodologie) e dei suoi collegamenti con altre discipline (analisi quantitative, ciclica, statistica, reti neurali, behavioural finance etc....
Volatility Trading Via Quantitative Modeling In Excel
by AllQuant- 4.4
5 hours on-demand video
· Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk. Learn about quantitative Investing & how it is different from conventional methods of investing Master an established quantitative method used in hedge funds called Volatility Risk Premium to trade volatility...
Budget Master Class
by The Everyday Investor Club- 3.6
1 hour on-demand video
Create a personal balance sheetCreate a personal income statementAnalyze your resources and capacity and any potential risksUse quantitative analysis to identify both the strengths and weaknesses in your budget and spending patterns....
Multiple Regression Analysis with Excel
by Diego Fernandez- 3.9
4.5 hours on-demand video
It is also essential for academic careers in data science, applied statistics, economics, econometrics or quantitative finance....
Management and financial accounting: Know your numbers 1
by Dr John-Paul Monck- 4.7
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Building blocks: Finance theory...
Probability for Statistics and Data Science
by 365 Careers- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
And it doesn’t matter if it is pure probability, statistics, business intelligence, finance or data science where you want to apply your probability knowledge… Finance Knowledgeable instructor (an adept mathematician who has competed at an international level) who will bring you not only his probability knowledge but the complicated interconnections between his areas of expertise – finance and data science...
Investment Portfolio Analysis with R
by Diego Fernandez- 3.9
6.5 hours on-demand video
Learning investment portfolio analysis is indispensable for finance careers in areas such as asset management, private wealth management, and risk management within institutional investors represented by banks, insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds, investment advisors, endowments and mutual funds. It is also essential for academic careers in quantitative finance....