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The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time
by Jason Quinlan- 4.3
7 hours on-demand video
"The Best Video Marketing Course Of All Time" is my first course on Udemy. There's a crash course on video editing, which is easier than you think and makes a HUGE difference. Then there is the monster of the course I borrowed this from HP Lovecraft, "Hastur The Unspeakable Video Marketing Lesson....
Game Development (Android + IOS): Build 12 Apps & Games
by Sachin Kafle- 3.5
27 hours on-demand video
You are going to learn every bit of python language in this course so that you can apply your knowledge in real world apps. Additionally, the standard implementation of Python, CPython, is free and open source....
The Complete Ethical Hacking Course
by Codestars by Rob Percival- 4.5
36 hours on-demand video
Along with the course you’ll also receive for free the "The Complete Ethical Hacking Course Handbook", and $10 credit of at Digital Ocean (in order to build and practice within their online servers). This course is brought to you by the most popular instructors in Udemy: Codestars by Rob Percival (>1....
Ethical Hacking: Network Scan Nmap&Nessus | ethical hacking
by Muharrem AYDIN- 4.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
This is the best tech-related course I've taken and I have taken quite a few. I’m always updating this course with fresh content, too Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. As if this course wasn’t complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions....
The Complete WordPress Website Business Course
by Rob Percival- 4.4
22 hours on-demand video
I started this course with no knowledge nor understanding of Word Press and now I'm super confident in my ability to produce quality websites!" --William Hopkins Let this course give you the head start you need to increase your income fast. course would deliver, this is clear reflection of Greggs' experience in...
PowerPoint Masterclass - Presentation Design & Animation
by Andrew Pach- 4.7
9 hours on-demand video
This course has a core of six comprehensive chapters to teach you everything you need to know: I'm a total beginner in PowerPoint, is this course right for me? This course will teach you all the necessary basics and advanced tools, but it's not a PowerPoint 101 for beginners. If you already feel super-comfortable with PowerPoint, one course is enough....
Web Server IIS Mastery Course
by Hasan Aboul Hasan- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
I divided this course into several sections as follows : You can check other students who know how much I am active in answering any question, not only related to the course but also I provide free help in any computer science topic on my website, you can find this in the bonus section of the course....
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From Wire to PLC , A Bootcamp In Industrial Automation
by Mouhammad Hamsho- 4.7
17 hours on-demand video
This Course is an intensive course that tries to cover all the concepts required to build a fully functional Electrical Automation Projects. We will utilize no hardware in this course so that you can follow up with the course with having to buy Any equipment but rather our design and verification will be based on simulations....
A Physical Therapist's Guide: How to Stretch & Mobilize
by Nick Helton, MPT, CSCS- 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
I created this course because I want to achieve 4 main objectives: You can watch them on your mobile device or on your computer at home. And finally, the reason I created this course is to help YOU move. I created this course to try to help as many people as I can move better....
The Comprehensive Guide to iOS 12 & Swift 5! (From Scratch)
by Amit Kalra- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
That's not a problem at all!! You can take all the time in the world in the comfort of your home to complete this course! I've designed this course for everything to be learned within 5 hours! So once you get the basics, you're ready to go out in the real world and create anything you've ever imagined!...