Search result for Master in sustainable development Online Courses & Certifications
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Nuxt JS with Laravel API - Building SSR Vue JS Apps
by Ryan Dhungel- 4.3
9 hours on-demand video
Hello and welcome to the complete Laravel API Development with Nuxt JS as a frontend framework that helps you build powerful Server Side Rendered Vue js applications with Vuex in a best possbile way. So join me in this course and Master the API driven web development with Nuxt JS for building modern web applications....
C# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity® & Blender
by Mammoth Interactive- 4.6
41.5 hours on-demand video
Make a Zenda Role Player Game and Ninja Mobile Game in Unity® 5. Glauco Pires will take you through the process of coding a game in Unity® from scratch. Kevin will teach this section of the course in Blender, the wonderful and free 3D modeling program. Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces....
Java Design Patterns: The Complete Masterclass - 21 Patterns
by Paulo Dichone | Android, Java, Flutter Developer and Teacher- 4.3
10 hours on-demand video
Master Java Design Patterns and Write Robust and Extensible Software - MVC, Observable, Singleton, Facade, Builder. If you are an intermediate to advanced Java Developer ( Or in any other OOP language) and are looking to master Java Design Patterns, then this course is for you. In this comprehensive course, you will be learning by doing, by coding alongside me....
Unreal Engine 4 Mastery: Create Multiplayer Games with C++
by Tom Looman- 4.6
17.5 hours on-demand video
Unleash the power of C++ and Blueprint to develop Multiplayer Games with AI in this Epic Games-approved course. Approved by Epic Games and taught by former Epic Games engineer, Tom Looman, this course teaches you how to use C++ to build your own games including artificial intelligence in Unreal Engine 4....
Photoshop Photo Composite Biggest Bundle- 5 Courses in 1
by Harsh Vardhan Art- 3.3
6 hours on-demand video
A step-by-step Guide to Creating Amazing Concept Art Photo Composites in Adobe Photoshop Courses included:- Master Photo Manipulation| Abstract Concept Art in Photoshop| Digital Art Photo Manipulation Alone Girl | Surreal Photo Manipulation in Photoshop | Become Expert in Photo Manipulation Photoshop You will learn the process of the Concept Development to the Final Photo Composite in Adobe Photoshop....
Microsoft PowerApps & Flow: Build Business Apps Without Code
by Syed Raza- 4.1
4 hours on-demand video
If you’re currently involved in content management, app development or as a power user — this course will enable you to build on that experience, and master the most cutting edge tools and practices in developing business apps raising productivity levels within your organization....
Power Apps - Complete Guide to Microsoft PowerApps
by Henry Legge- 4.5
7.5 hours on-demand video
This course is not only comprehensive (it covers everything you need to know right from the start / beginner level) but is also instructional in nature, meaning that as we learn new concepts, we are also integrating them in the application. Power Apps is especially useful in combination with Power Automate....
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Solidity Smart Contracts: Build DApps In Ethereum Blockchain
by Rangel Stoilov- 4.6
5 hours on-demand video
We will be focusing on the smart contracts development with Solidity in the Ethereum ecosystem. While other courses are filled in with unnecessary information that make them hard to navigate through and leave you confused, this course will take you step by step from a complete beginner to a master of Solidity and smart contracts creation in the Ethereum ecosystem....
Master the Power Of LinkedIn to Skyrocket Your Business
by Inga Ezera- 2.8
1 hour on-demand video
Accelerate your business development and multiply the number of your ideal target clients demanding your services They know how to spread their message and get it in front of larger and larger audiences. You will discover how to master the power of LinkedIn to accelerate your business development and dramatically increase the number of target clients demanding your services....
Python for Beginners: Complete Python 3 from Scratch
by Haider Imtiaz- 4.1
2 hours on-demand video
Date Types - Become a Master of the Datatypes and declared a correct type of Variable in Program. Operators - You will master the Mathematics Rules for Python Programming. List and Dic - I will Teach you List and Dictionary which will help to store Multiple Data in a Program. Enroll in the Course, You won't be disappointed....