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Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries. You see, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. You see, most life coaches or other heart-centered business owners hate selling. It feels awkward and inauthentic to be convincing someone to want to do business with you....
Bookkeeping Basics Explained (Bookkeeping & Accounting)
by Calvin Lee, CPA, CA, MBA- 4.6
4.5 hours on-demand video
Calvin is a top-rated instructor at Schulich School of Business at York University Over 60,000+ students from 176 countries enrolled in his courses How to Start a Bookkeeping Business or Freelancing Using QuickBooks Online to record transactions “This course is very relevant to a business owner stand point and easy to understand....
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Foundation and Server 2013 Bundle
by Simon Sez IT- 0.0
16 hours on-demand video
Courses included with this 16-hour bundle: By the end of this course, you'll be able to use SharePoint Server 2013 to create a business environment that thrives on the sharing of ideas. During this 10-hour online video training, a professional instructor will introduce you to SharePoint Foundation 2013 and the program's useful features for maximizing team communication....
11 Free Ways To Get Mass Traffic To Your Website in 2020!
by Howard Lynch- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Being able to drive targeted traffic at no cost is an amazing skill for any online entrepreneur, and something 99% of them are horrible at. Without traffic, your business isn't headed anywhere -period....
Making Predictions with Data and Python
by Packt Publishing- 4
4 hours on-demand video
He also has taught many (online and in-site) courses to students from around the world in topics like Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, R programming and Python....
The Complete NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) Course: Art and Tech
by TJ Walker- 4.4
10 hours on-demand video
Learn everything about NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) - NFT Art Business - Make NFTs - Buy NFTs - Trade NFTs - Crypto I also have been credited (Clash, Vulture, New York Mag, Mixmag, XLR8R, Broadway World) with making the very first ever music album NFT in the world ahead of Kings Of Leon which you can check out on OpenSea!...
How to Create an Empire on Airbnb without Owning a Home
by David Vu- 4.6
4 hours on-demand video
From the creator of one of the best top selling courses in the business category we bring you this New Course on Airbnb! In 2016 myself along with 2 other business partners Luis and Gabriel teamed up to start our first listing on Airbnb, fast forward, we now have 25 and growing and earn a significant income without owning a single home....
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Personal Finance for Beginners: The 30-day Blueprint
by Ben LeFort- 0.0
4 hours on-demand video
Similar courses to this will cost you upwards of $1,000. Literally every "expert" on online courses recommends selling a course for at least $500 and most recommend starting at $1,000. I am not an "an online business guru" trying to squeeze every penny I can....
Excel 2016 PowerPivot, PowerQuery, PowerView & BI
by Optima Train- 0.0
4 hours on-demand video
“When I first looked up this site I was a bit skeptical, but I soon realized how amazing these courses are. They have helped me excel in all my business classes. The PowerPivot course now makes business analytics easy and at my fingertips. Chris, has decades of experience using Excel in real-world settings solving complex business problems....
Affiliate Marketing Beginner: Sell T-Shirts with Teespring
by John Piteo- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
Home business selling t-shirts with Facebook and Teespring. The business that I'm talking about is the affiliate t-shirt business. You can do this type of business part-time, full-time or even occasionally whenever you need some extra cash. I do this business part-time and make hundreds of dollars to over $1000 per week whenever I have time to launch campaigns....