Search result for How to debug an app Online Courses & Certifications
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Python Flask Web Development: REST API, Postman & JavaScript
by Easy Learn- 1.3
3 hours on-demand video
Except if you’re an expert at Flask, Create Web Applications, do Unit Testing With Flask Testing Postman, Build Your First Restful App, do API Authentication And Logging In, Work with Database & WT Forms and Create a Login Page Using Session, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even miss develop a Flask application....
Unleashing the Mac OS X Terminal for Absolute Beginners
by Jason Taylor- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
This is a comprehensive course designed to show how to use the Terminal app in Mac OS X and many Bash shell commands, many overlap with Linux or other *nix variants. Introduction provides an overview for the course. Installation provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup Terminal and all the related tools for the course....
Unity Game Analytics
by Yohann Taieb- 3.8
1 hour on-demand video
Implement ads that the players would like to see using an ad network targeted specially for gamers, show only game related videos to your player and forget about the intrusive banner ads in this tutorial for intermediate users you will learn in no time how to monetize that free game you have....
Amazon Rekognition Development: A Complete Guide
by Dhiman Halder- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to add powerful visual search & image recognition capability to your applications using AWS Amazon Rekognition Are you an Architect or Tech Lead willing to explore reference Architectures and implementations on how Amazon Rekognition fits in with other AWS service offerings to solve Real-world problems? Travel Photo Smart Search App...
Serverless Computing Application On Google Cloud : 2021
by Amrit Choudhary- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Get into serverless computing with Google App Engine, Google Cloud Run, Google Cloud Functions Knative, an open API and runtime environment built on Kubernetes, enables you to run workloads anywhere: fully managed on Google Cloud, on-premises, or on a third-party cloud provider via Anthos. how to deploy your web app in a serverless manner....
Full-Stack Web Development For Beginners
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 4.1
36.5 hours on-demand video
Back End Skills ( This is used to build the server software or application) Build an interactive quiz app with frontend web development skills Learn how to use JavaScript ES6 Learn how to use version control with Git and Github Learn how to interact with the command line interface Learn how to deploy your applications to the world...
Introduction to Internet of Things(IoT) using Arduino
by Venkatesh Varadachari- 3.6
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to implement the communication between smartphones and also to control various home appliances wirelessly. In this course you will learn how to implement the communication between smart phones and home appliances using Arduino to control the home appliances. How to configure your Bluetooth module to operate in the communication speed used in the Arduino....
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UX Design- From Beginner to Professional UX Designer: 4-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.6
13 hours on-demand video
You will also learn how to build, design, and test your own persona. Next, you will learn how to differentiate between good and bad habits by observing user habits and technology. Finally, you will learn how to monitor and review feedback received on your app by the users. Becker is an imaginative and creative Sr....
Modern Javascript for Beginners 2020 + Javascript Projects
by DigiFisk (Programming is fun)- 4.4
15 hours on-demand video
Using the console to debug your code, check errors and retrieve intermediate outputs Using the console to debug your code, check errors and retrieve intermediate outputs What are template strings (backticks) and when & how to use them An introduction to Javascript's Document Object Model (DOM) Using event handlers to create an action-reaction effect in your web pages...
Mastering Intellij IDEA and Android Studio
by Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy- 3.8
10 hours on-demand video
Have you used JetBrain's fantastic IntelliJ IDEA IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and been amazed at the power but wondered how to take advantage of the incredible range of functionality and speed enhancements? Master the debugger and profiler - Understand how to debug and profile code using the profiler and debugger. Ready to get started?...