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PMP Certification Exam Prep Course 35 PDU Contact Hours/PDU
by TIA Education, Andrew Ramdayal- 4.7
35 hours on-demand video
Fully updated for the 2021 PMP Exam This course has been fully updated for the 2021 PMP exam and is now over 35 hours of content with 420+ video's. This courses includes coverage of traditional, Agile and hybrid projects. 35+ Hours of expert instruction from a certified PMP Instructor and one of Amazon best selling authors for the PMP exam books....
Computer Basics 2021: Basic Computer Skills And Fundamentals
by Samir Imtiaz- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
Accurate subtitle for better understanding Additional reading for in-depth understanding of every topic Drive encryption for bullet-proof data theft protection Offline And Online Backup. Active Question Answer section, get answer for your every question Learn About Online Computer Backup Designed For People Of All Levels And Ages Guideline For Professional Free Software and Future Learning...
Working for Spirit Business Programme
by Lianne Douglas- 0.0
4.5 hours on-demand video
Everything you need to start and grow your online business When join the working for spirit business programmeYou will have life time access to 2 bundled courses plus extras, over 4 hrs of video plus over 40 lecturesTECHNOLOGY TIPS AND RESOURCESYOU WILL LEARN. How to launch your intuitive online business Working for spirit online...
AP® Spanish Language and Culture
by Marta E. Moore-Austin- 0.0
10 Weeks
This course is designed to help you prepare for the AP exam, and focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources, as well as traditional print resources such as literature, essays, and magazine and newspaper articles. Familiarity with the six themes and subthemes for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam...
Affiliate Marketing success:YouTube affiliate empire
by Kenz Soliman- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Join over 40,000 students from 172 countries worldwide taking my courses today!ourses today! Creating an income stream online from affiliate marketing was hard and took a long time to get done....
How to Edit Videos [Free and Paid Options]
- 4.5
Whether you want to learn video editing to start a YouTube Channel, create Online Courses, create better videos for social media, etc. Different Editing Software and Why I Recommend Shotcut for Beginners...
Public Economics
by Leonid Polishchuk- 4.2
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Our choice of topics covered by the course reflects a trade-off between salience and centrality, on the one hand, and suitability for a brief online introductory course, on the other. The course content is neither comprehensive (which would be a "mission impossible" for virtually any public economics course"), nor representative of other such courses....
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Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering
by Diomidis Spinellis- 0.0
6 Weeks
The power of Unix tools for exploring, prototyping and implementing big data processing workflows, and software engineering tasks remains unmatched. _ ___ Class Central: Best Online Courses of the Year (2021 edition) Select the most useful tools and commands for fetching, selecting, generating, processing, summarizing and reporting data...
Getting Digital Marketing Right
by David Bradley, MBA- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
A simplified process and framework to use Digital Strategy for focus on results and ROI You get a free copy for being a student of this course! You probably have seen hundreds of courses on online marketing. This course will give you a step-by-step formula to develop a strategy, grow your business, and make smart online marketing decisions....
Digital Marketing For Realtors
by Pieter Jordaan- 4.5
7.5 hours on-demand video
Welcome to the Digital Marketing For Realtors Course! This course is one of the most comprehensive, follow along social media courses you will ever watch. This course is designed for any realtor, business owner, marketing specialist and public personality who wants to grow their business and build some serious online credibility....