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GIT Interview Questions Preparation Course
by KnowledgePowerhouse !- 3.8
2 hours on-demand video
GIT Framework is one of the most popular version control system for enterprise applications and Big Data solutions. In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on GIT Framework in Software Design and Development. How can we set up a Git repository to run code sanity checks and UAT tests just before a commit?...
Learn Python Monster Course : Grow Your Python Skills
by Lernen Hub Academy- 4.1
12.5 hours on-demand video
In the Capstone Project, you’ll use the technologies learned throughout the Specialization to design and create your own applications for data retrieval, processing, and visualization, Best way to learn python, Best online python course. Learn Python Skills for data scientist , Machine Learning and Web Development like Django, Flask with Python...
Hacking Web Applications and Penetration Testing: Fast Start
by Muharrem AYDIN- 4.2
4 hours on-demand video
The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. With the CEH credential, you can design and govern the minimum standards necessary for credentialing information that security professionals need to engage in ethical hacking....
The Complete Social Engineering, Phishing, OSINT & Malware
by Muharrem AYDIN- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who wants to ensure a network is safe against cybercriminals. The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification exam supports and tests the knowledge of auditors, security officers, site administrators, security....
Linux Administration +Linux Command Line+Linux Server 3 in 1
by Up Degree- 0.0
13.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Linux Administration , Linux Command Line, Linux Server admin, Red Hat Linux, CentOS - Get Linux Certification In the event that you need to learn Linux framework organization and supercharge your profession, read on. Installation and Initialization The record framework design of Linux frameworks and where to discover projects, setups, and documentation....
Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and React
by in28Minutes Official- 4.5
11.5 hours on-demand video
5 STARS - Thanks, Ranga for your efforts to design this course with such simplicity and in-depth explanation. 03 Step 47 - Creating Todo Component and Handle Routing 03 Step 48 - Designing Todo Form with moment, Formik and Bootstrap 03 Step 49 - Initializing and Handling Form Submit with Formik...
Vlogging: Complete Beginner to Advance Guide. 6 courses in 1
by Jens Belner- 4.9
5.5 hours on-demand video
Stock Video, Audio, and Image Library (More than 2000 files) The Do's and Don'ts of Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Brand Purchase And Installation Basic Screen Recording Controls and Capture Menu Tools and Menu Options Quizzes and Surveys Quizzing and Surveys Expanded And Much Much More Stock Video, Audio, and Image Library...
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The Best Pinterest SEO Course Of All Time
by Jason Quinlan- 2.6
4 hours on-demand video
Tip and tricks to turn your Pinterest Boards and Pins Into A SEO PowerHouse This course covers a wide range of SEO tactics: NAP data, JASN-LD, GeoTagging, Metadata, and the influencer marketing. I broke my promise not to get into design elements and show you how you can create original pins that will bring you dated post a seconds chance at life....
SAP MM (Materials Management) Certification Training
by Uplatz Training- 0.0
12 hours on-demand video
Our SAP MM Training course is delivered by a highly experienced and expert tutor with industry experience of more than 15 years. Significance and usage of Screen Sequence Creating and using Screen Reference Creating and using field references Defining and using Material Types Vendor Account Group and its significance Significance and usage of Source List...
3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 hrs
by Adam Zollinger- 4.4
19.5 hours on-demand video
3ds Max intro course: 3Ds Max and V-Ray for creating 3D architectural imagery, from beginner to advanced Are you an architecture student who feels overwhelmed sometimes trying to learn complicated software just to present your design properly? Also, check out my profile to the left and see some of my portfolio....