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Fast, Good & Cheap
by Kaliym Islam- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
More importantly, agile allowed these organizations to align learning outputs with business strategy and gain the trust and admiration of their business stakeholders. In Section 4 we cover how to determine if Agile is working and how to report the results to your business stakeholders, finally In Section 5 we focus on leadership....
Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I (PSPO I) Exam Prep
by Certify On- 0.0
All the questions in this course were designed by the instructor to help you prepare thoroughly for the actual exam. Learn about all aspects of Product Ownership by completing all of the practice tests included in this course. Questions in the course refer (but are not limited) to topics such as:...
The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know
by Paula Caproni- 4.8
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Although this course is based on the science of success, you will learn many practical ideas that you can apply to your own life immediately, particularly in three main areas: Interview with Vic Strecher, University of Michigan Professor of Public Health, discussing the importance of finding purpose in life and work. How to Earn a Course Certificate...
ASO is The #1 App Marketing Strategy. ASO To 1,000,000 Dls
by Alex Genadinik- 4
3 hours on-demand video
I am an independent developer (Problemio business apps) and I have gotten a cumulative 1,000,000+ downloads for my apps without spending any money on marketing. Everything I teach in this course is something I have done and tried myself. After you finish the course, you should be much stronger in overall mobile app business strategy and mobile app marketing....
Social Media Marketing MASTERY | Learn Ads on 10+ Platforms
9.5 hours on-demand video
What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS TODAY!...
SQL for Data Analysis: Core Data Scientist’s Skills
by Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics- 4.1
2.5 hours on-demand video
This course was created by experts from the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics, experts who know what matters and how to teach. You will learn how to use the top-notch technologies available in Microsoft SQL Server, the math behind the statistical functions, how to write your custom functions effectively, transform the data, and connect it with analytics software....
Bond and Equity Markets and Financial Regulation
by Jack Farmer- 0.0
6 Weeks
This course begins with a look at the role debt and equity plays in a firm's capital structure. Further, in the course, we'll look at the different yield curve shapes and review their implications for the economy and business cycle....
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Build Decision Trees, SVMs, and Artificial Neural Networks
by Stacey McBrine- 0.0
Approx. 22 hours to complete
This fourth and final course within the Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner (CAIP) professional certificate continues on from the previous course by introducing more, and in some cases, more advanced algorithms used in both machine learning and deep learning. As before, you'll build multiple models that can solve business problems, and you'll do so within a workflow....
How to become world class Business Analyst - Cases in Excel
by Asen Gyczew- 3.7
8.5 hours on-demand video
Practical guide how to do business analysis in Excel especially of sales and operations Every business analysis show in this lecture is easy to edit and adjust to your need. In what way will you benefit from this course? Every business analysis is well described and presented in a form of Excel, attachted to the lecture....
Breaking in for Non-Musicians
by Mike Mowery- 4
1.5 hours on-demand video
The music industry has been a notoriously difficult one to get your start in but Mike tells you how to do it and explains how the modern music business offers one of the greatest opportunities in history for those looking for their first job or starting their first company. Our earlier releases were in the 9-10k range....