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Advance course on financial intelligence
by Rahul Jain- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
In this Advance course, Students will learn the concepts of Cash Budgeting, components of balance sheets and Income Statements in addition to the basic concepts of financial intelligence and what is the importance and roles of financial statements in business decision making....
Learn Effective Decision Making
by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
As per Peter Drucker, Effective decision making is defined here as the process through which alternatives are selected and then managed through implementation to achieve business objectives....
The AI Ladder: A Framework for Deploying AI in your Enterprise
by Mark J Grover , Ray Lopez, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 3 hours to complete
This course is intended for business and technical professionals involved in strategic decision-making focused on bringing AI into their enterprises. After completing this course you will be able to explain and describe each of the steps required to ensure success when you build and deploy AI solutions in your business enterprise....
Learn Google Analytics-From a Beginner to becoming a Pro
by Pranav Parekh- 3.3
4.5 hours on-demand video
Help professionals clear their doubts & earn greater knowledge about using Google Analytics & doing better decision making Help businesses to drive better decision making & earn Business ROI through tracking the right data....
Managerial Accounting and Corporate Control
by Brian P. Miller- 0.0
12 Weeks
In this course, you’ll discover how to prepare an analyze accounting information to make complex business decisions. In particular, the course will highlight how internal accounting information can be used (and often misused) when making complex business decisions. In addition, students will learn how cost behavior and financial information are used in operational decision making and pricing....
Managerial Accounting and Corporate Control
by Brian P. Miller- 0.0
12 Weeks
In this course, you’ll discover how to prepare and analyze accounting information to make complex business decisions. In particular, the course will highlight how internal accounting information can be used (and often misused) when making complex business decisions. In addition, students will learn how cost behavior and financial information are used in operational decision making and pricing....
Managerial Accounting: Cost Behaviors, Systems, and Analysis
by Gary Hecht, Ph.D.- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
• Identify problems associated with relying on financial accounting information for internal decision making...
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Product Management with Lean, Agile and System Design Thinking
by Nitin R. Joglekar , Varun Nagaraj- 0.0
6 Weeks
Strong product management drives successful business model implementation. Alternative approaches for lean, agile and waterfall development, along with the tools for assessing task, project and business risks (and risk mitigation strategies) at scrums or at stage gates....
Throughput Accounting and Lean Accounting
by Ross Maynard- 3.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
Lean Accounting, like Throughput Accounting, focusses on improving the flow of work through a business process and provides a variety of flexible tools to measure, manage and improve performance. Other than an interest in business finance and performance management, there are no pre-requisites for this course....
Business Strategy and Operations in a Biobased Economy
by Emiel Wubben , Jos Bijman , Renzo Akkerman , Argyris Kanellopoulos- 0.0
5 Weeks
Join the MOOC Business Strategy and Operations in a Biobased Economy if you want to be able to answer these questions and gain a solid understanding of the business side of the biobased and circular economy. The course contains two key business perspectives. This course is part of the MicroMasters Program Business and Operations for a Circular Bio-Economy...