Search result for Data engineering on google cloud platform Online Courses & Certifications
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Serverless Microservices on AWS in 10 Hours
by Packt Publishing- 3.5
10 hours on-demand video
The perfect course to implementing cost-effective, and scalable Microservices and APIs using serverless computing on AWS AWS is the perfect platform for hosting Microservices. -Delivered in-house production cloud-based big data solutions for large-scale graph, machine learning, natural language processing, serverless, cloud data warehousing, ETL data pipeline, recommendation engines, and real-time streaming analytics systems....
Spring 5.0 Core Training
by Packt Publishing- 4
5 hours on-demand video
In this video course, you will learn to work on two themes of Spring Framework 5. He is also experienced in applied areas: Ruby, Groovy, Python, Scala, Erlang/Elixir, ATG, Hybris e-commerce platform, Agile/XP development, Google Compute/App Engine, OSGi, MongoDB, Riak, Redis, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, and OpenShift....
Learn Machine Learning with AZURE [Updated]
by Pranjal Srivastava- 2.5
3 hours on-demand video
You shouldn't whereas you should prepare yourself by learning cutting edge technologies like machine learning, data analytics, data science and cloud computing. Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and IBM Bluemix are the most popular cloud platforms. In this learning paths wide range of machine learning services covered which we'll deploy it on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform....
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam
by Google Cloud Training- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Welcome to Preparing for the Professional Cloud Architect Exam Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform and Qwiklabs Sample case studies for the Professional Cloud Architect exam Data transfer Cloud Storage Data processing to Machine Learning Microservices, Containers, Data Processing, and IoT More details about Cloud Storage Cloud Bigtable Cloud AI Cloud Functions Containers and Google Kubernetes Engine...
Docker Fundamentals
by Packt Publishing- 2.7
4 hours on-demand video
Build, run, and deploy your applications anywhere using the World's leading software container platform Sreeprakash (or Sree) Neelakantan is a Cloud and DevOps enthusiast based in India. He is the founder and the Chief Cloud Architect at Schogini Systems Pvt....
Google Associate Cloud Engineer: Get Certified 2021
by Dan Sullivan- 4.5
5.5 hours on-demand video
Do you want to earn your Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification? Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an increasingly popular public cloud and the demand for certified professionals is growing. Updated July 2021: New material on Cloud Memorystore Updated August 2020: Additional lectures on Anthos, Cloud Run, Cloud Memorystore, Cloud Composer, Cloud Monitoring Agent, Cloud Data Fusion....
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
by Alemayehu Midekisa- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Learn the basics of image processing, geospatial data analysis, GIS and cloud computing with Google Earth Engine I teach over 10,000 students on Udemy. In this Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Image Analysis course, I will help you get up and running on the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API platform form to process and analyze geospatial data....
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Apache Airflow using Google Cloud Composer: Introduction
by Guha Rajan M., B.Engg, MBA, PMP- 3.6
4 hours on-demand video
With Google Cloud composer learn Apache Airflow without making any local install. Ensures focus is on Airflow topics. Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service that empowers you to author, schedule, and monitor pipelines that span across clouds and on-premises data centers....
Amazon CloudWatch in 60 Minutes: Monitor your AWS resources
by Releaseworks Academy- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Learn from Releaseworks Cloud Engineers: How to aggregate logs and monitor your AWS infrastructure and applications. Learn from industry-leading DevOps and Cloud Engineers at Releaseworks: Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is the leading cloud platform in the world. Releaseworks is an upskilling-focussed DevOps and cloud engineering consultancy based in London....
Develop Cloud-Native Apps & Microservices on Azure with Java
by Packt Publishing- 3.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Build effective, scalable, Java cloud-native applications and microservices and deploy them on the cloud Azure is Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform. You will learn about the driving factors for cloud adoption and see how cloud deployment with Azure is different from regular deployment on a standard data center....