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Complete Guide to Conflict Management in the Workplace
by Joeel & Natalie Rivera- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
The truth is that conflict is an inevitable part of work life, and it does not only affect those who are directly involved, it impacts the entire team, department, and organization....
A Circular Economy of Metals: Towards a Sustainable Societal Metabolism
by Ester van der Voet- 4.8
Approx. 41 hours to complete
Impacts of Metal Use Environmental Impacts of Rare Earth Mining and Separation Based on Eudialyte: A New European Way Scenarios of Metal Demand and Supply and Related Environmental Impacts...
Global Postharvest Loss Prevention: Fundamentals, Technologies, and Actors
by Dr. Prasanta Kalita- 4.7
Approx. 13 hours to complete
This course provides an overview of the issue of postharvest loss of grains by exploring essential physical, technical, and social dimensions of postharvest supply chains and loss prevention methods globally. Social Media...
Welcome to Game Theory
by Michihiro Kandori- 4.7
Approx. 21 hours to complete
1-2 Modelling Social Problems as a "Game" Rationality of Individuals in Social Thought...
世界文化地理 | Cultural Geography of the World
by Deng Hui- 0.0
4 Weeks
介绍世界文化地理的格局、形成、发展过程,培养学生用地理学的眼光去观察和分析世界上文化现象的发生、发展与空间分布特点。This course teaches an approach to spatial patterns and changing process of cultures through geographical perspectives. This course is presented in Mandarin. 《世界文化地理》是介绍世界文化地理的格局、形成、发展过程,培养学 生用地理学的眼光去观察和分析世界上文化现象的发生、发展与空间分布特点。 《世界文化地理》是北京大学最受本科生同学欢迎的通选课之一。课程内容信息量很大,包罗万象,把世界地理同世界历史、文化、艺术等融合在一起。任课教师带 领学生用地理空间的观点、时间变化的角度,去观察和分析世界上的文化现象。课程内容兼具科学性和趣味性,每年吸引了大量学生选课。 《世界文化地理》具体内容包括:世界文化地理的基本研究方法,世界文化区的划分,世界人口分布与人口迁移,农业的起源、传播与区域差异,城市的起源与扩 散,城市形态的区域差异与特点,世界主要语言、宗教、人种的空间分布及其相互关系,地理大发现与世界殖民体系的形成,世界地缘政治与世界地理系统的空间结 构特点,全球经济议题化、城市化现象及其伴随的政治、经济、社会问题,等等。 《世界文化地理》的授课内容兼及自然地理和文化地理两大方面,课程综合吸收国内外相关的最新教材和研究论著的内容,采取地图、照片、图表等表现形式,力图 生动浅显地展示世界文化地理格局的基本空间差异和变化过程,注意专题介绍与综合分析相结合,空间差异分析与世界变化分析相结合,重视培养大学生的两种能 力:运用地理学的、空间的眼光来观察、分析世界上文化现象的能力和从时间的角度来看待世界上文化现象发展变化过程的能力。 课程有期中和期末两次考试,最终有期末成绩。 点击上方绿色按钮报名。 Cultural Geography of the World is one of the most popular undergraduate courses at Peking University. The course will include a midterm and final exam....
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century with Ban Ki-moon
by Ban Ki-moon- 4.8
Approx. 16 hours to complete
Social Innovation and the SDG 2030 Agenda Social Innovation and Sustainable Development Social Innovation and Collective Impact Peace through Social Inclusion Corporate Social Responsibility...
L'entrepreneuriat social: faire son business plan
by Thierry Sibieude- 4.6
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Ce MOOC a pour vocation de vous aider à créer votre entreprise à but social ou environnemental en vous aidant à vous poser toutes les "bonnes questions" : besoin social, proposition de valeur, modèle économique, financement, statut juridique, mesure de l'impact social. Episode 1 : Découvrir le business plan social Episode 4 : Mesurer son impact social...
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Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Patricia Schetter- 4.7
Approx. 6 hours to complete
Examine the developmental and sensori-motor differences that may impact academic, play, social and self-help skills at different stages of life, including the transition to higher education and employment. What are the Impacts of Increasing Rates of Autism? What is Social Narrative?...
Analysing Complexity
by Shawn Ross- 4.5
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Social Complexity Short writing for Module 4: Social complexity...
Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations
by Larry DeBrock- 4.9
Approx. 18 hours to complete
Additionally, the course examines the ways in which markets are subject government intervention and the impacts of these interventions. Social Costs of Monopoly Efficiency, Social Costs, and Antitrust Enforcement - Part 1 Efficiency, Social Costs, and Antitrust Enforcement - Part 2...