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Facebook Marketing : make Facebook stores in minutes
by Kenz Soliman- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
no fluff, no filler content, just straight to the point course that you can start and actually finish in 1 day! with this course you will get the following bonuses: - Free Lifetime access to our "Social Cart Pro" software that will help you create UNLIMITED stores and pages in ALL your Facebook pages!...
Facebook Advertising for Beginners
by Tom Wiztek- 4.2
1.5 hours on-demand video
This is the trend for online advertising right now! However, this course is not about building a Fan page and getting free traffic, although your fan page will get more popular. This course is not about getting more Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments. This course is all about Facebook Ads....
Nikon D7500 Crash Course
by Michael Andrew- 4.4
4.5 hours on-demand video
this is the course for you! Included Lessons- Michael's FULL Photography School Video Training!: Portrait Crash courseSensor CleaningFree Access to Michaels Online video lessons and homework, including updates....
Belly Dance Basics: Hip Slides, Circles, & Shimmies
by Amanda "Shyama" Garion- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
This course is just one of a set of beginner courses Shyama intends to make. Keep looking for more classes, and feel free to make suggestions to the instructor! If you're looking for more from Shyama, check out her online studio: https://stygian....
Complete Video Production: OBS Studio & DaVinci Resolve
by Chris Navarre- 4.5
8 hours on-demand video
Master Recording, Streaming, and Editing All in One Course This course is a full overview of two of the top tools for recording, streaming, and editing videos. DaVinci Resolve is a fully featured cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) video editor that comes in the base version for free and studio version....
eBay Selling Masterclass: eBay Selling with a eBay Business
by Brennan Zimmer- 3.9
9.5 hours on-demand video
Learn eBay Selling from a eBay Powerseller and Find Your Favorite eBay Business Model with This eBay Course Are you looking to make money online in 2018? This course goes through just about everything that you'd need to know when starting your own eBay business. * Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!...
Market Research to Find & Sell Your Dream Clients
by Zach Miller- 3.9
4 hours on-demand video
Step-By-Step Market Research Guide Uncovers Profitable Niches Online to Build Lucrative Businesses Without The Guesswork Sasha Miller’s Course Includes: THIS is the course for you! Finding a profitable niche market or online business idea that is viable, profitable, AND that you can personally can compete in is a crucial part of having lasting success online....
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Medical WordPress Website for Hospitals, Clinics & Doctors
by Shashank WordPress Dev- 5
3.5 hours on-demand video
Easily create an online website with our powerful yet simple all-in-one platform. Download Premium Wordpress theme - MEDICLINIC ( FREE ) This course is meant for anyone who wants to create a Medical Health website with Wordpress. The steps are clearly laid down with walk-throughs so that you can follow along the course and create the desired outcome....
Freelance Writing For Beginners
by Laura Brown- 4.8
2.5 hours on-demand video
Most freelance writers fail--don't be one of them! I've been a successful freelance writer in New York for nearly 30 years, and in this course I'll share with you what I've learned—what works, what doesn't, and how to succeed. If you're looking to get rich quick, this isn't the course for you....
SEO Training - Complete SEO practical guide with Free Tools
by Baraq Adnan- 3.8
6 hours on-demand video
In this course I will teach SEO (Search Engine Optimization) step-by-step from beginner to Advance level and considering your time is very valuable, I have included everything practical with Free tools so you may not only learn it but practice with professional tools. This intensive course is divided into 4 sections ...