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How to control your entire financial world easily?
- 3.7
All the needed accounting information is explained by me and you do not need to have prior knowledge of accounting or bookkeeping....
Transacting on the Blockchain
by Don Tapscott , Alex Tapscott- 4.8
Approx. 16 hours to complete
Problems With Modern Accounting New Frameworks for Accounting New Frameworks for Accounting...
Xero Online Accounting - Learn Xero in a Day
by Marion Thomson- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
*Over 1,300 student reviews* All you need to become confident using Xero from a UK Accountant and Xero Advisor This LEARN XERO IN A DAY Course will take you from beginner level to knowing your way around and being comfortable using Xero in just a day. We then cover the following sections which every business will benefit from knowing about:...
Business Finance Basics: Debt, Credit & Beginner Accounting
by Alex Genadinik Teaching Assistant- 3.7
1 hour on-demand video
Learn about loans, debt, credit, bankruptcy & light basic accounting from a finance attorney with 20 years of experience...
Accounting 101: Learn Business Finance Forecasting in 60mins
by Boomy Tokan- 3.8
1.5 hours on-demand video
Look Over My Shoulder As I Show You The Process Of Using A Cashflow Forecast Template For Your Business! This instructor facilitates the process of understanding the cashflow statement - providing details between the inflows and outflows during a given period of time. Plus tips are provided to keep your organization in the $$$....
The Ultimate Guide to General Accounting in NetSuite
by Anthony Bickof- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
The Functions you use day to day In this course, we cover the various functions that the accountant uses to keep the books up to date as well as putting the pieces in place to enable meaningful reporting. We'll also cover some automation tricks to reduce the number of manual steps that are needed to complete transactions....
How to Turn Your Small Business Into a Profit Machine
by Jeff Wiener- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
And the best part is, you don’t need an accounting background....
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Compliance
by Illumeo Learning- 3.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
This course offers guidelines to recognizing, understanding and dealing with bribery, corruption and compliance. Bribery and corruption damages lives, reputations, and businesses. Yet in many countries, bribery is a regular--even accepted--business practice. The direct victims of bribery include businesses that lose out unfairly because of corrupt practices, and on a wider scale, governments and society as a whole....
The Fundamentals of Risk-Based Auditing
by Illumeo Learning- 3.9
1.5 hours on-demand video
This course is designed to prepare the auditor to fully embrace the risk based audit methodology concept. The Institute of Internal Auditors defines risk based internal auditing (RBIA) as a methodology that links internal auditing to an organization's overall risk management framework. This course is designed to prepare the auditor to fully embrace the risk based methodology concept....
Detect and Prevent Employee Fraud
by Illumeo Learning- 4.1
1 hour on-demand video
This course provides practical knowledge about common corporate fraud activity, and how to detect it. Organizations of all kinds and sizes are increasingly threatened by fraud. For example, 5% of all gross revenue is lost to fraud each year, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. In this course we discuss:...