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The Complete Public Speaking Certification Program (Part 2)
by Jason Teteak- 4.4
4.5 hours on-demand video
We built this course to train our own presenters, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what Rule the Room is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world. The Complete Public Speaking and Presentation Bootcamp is a 16 hour online workshop, that’s divided into three parts…...
Invest Like a Pro!
by Scott Brown- 4.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Read some of these rave words about this course and the way I teach. “I started by taking a finance refresher with Robert Schiller’s openYale course on Financial Markets. Then through a book recommendation for How I Made $2,000,000, I came across your Nicholas Darvas course which I thoroughly enjoyed. Enroll now while this course tuition is just $19!...
How to Trade Stock Options: Profiting in Up and Down Markets
by Travis Wilkerson- 4
26.5 hours on-demand video
Our option basics course has 4 parts to it. Trading Exit Strategies (Worth the Investment in the Course Alone) I teach you my "not so secret" money management formula....
The Complete Guide to Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking
by Jason Teteak- 4.7
4.5 hours on-demand video
Calm Course Reviews: In 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 100,000 online students around the world. (NOTE: A complete course description can be found in the middle of this page....
Email Marketing With Mailchimp, Sendgrid And Amazon SES
by Jens Belner- 4.1
7 hours on-demand video
It’s feature rich interface provides you the ability to automate your selling process for your online business. Start moving your leads away from the usual email management platform providers like Aweber, Getresponse, and others....
Facebook Marketing + Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Amazon!
by Paulo Perdu- 4
9 hours on-demand video
I could've sold each course separately. "I had enrolled in Paulo's other courses and had great expectations with this one and I am happy that this course didn't disappoint me. The course is well organized and concise. How To Create Automated Rules To Streamline Campaign Management Why You Should Never Use Caption Lists Found Online...