Search result for Sports massage near me Online Courses & Certifications
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Specialized massage course in runners
by Jordi Casalta Serrano- 3.7
1 hour on-demand video
Learn with me how to perform massage before, during and after the competition. And the sports maintenance massage Specialized massage course in athletes, to be able to perform a correct massage before a competition, during a competition, after a competition and days before as a maintenance massage....
Acupressure For Sports & Fitness - High Performance Training
by Jakob Bargak- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
Welcome to The Acupressure For Sports & Fitness - The Place on Udemy to learn The Secrets of High Performance Training for Sports! √ Improve your Sports Performance on your own Without Medications using Traditional Chinese Massage Points + You massage the points gently with your own finger. The Massage Points to use are:...
Acupressure For Men - Be Healthy Without Medications!
by Jakob Bargak- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
Improve sports performance, potency, sex, memory & many more on your own with the best professional acupressure videos. √ Improve Your Health on your own Without Medications using Traditional Chinese Massage Points + You massage the points gently with your own finger. The Massage Points to use are: "With the Course, I could significantly improve my sports performance....
Massage Professional: 15 Hours, 11 Accredited Certificates
by The Ebodhi Team- 4.7
26.5 hours on-demand video
I thought its a bit like reiki and not much like massage - but WOW I loved delivering it and everyone who let me practice on them were blown away. The Ebodhi Approach to MassageWe are perfectionists and consider massage 50% science and 50% art. It is much more valuable to offer a completely different, unique, or even one-of-a-kind massage experience....
Birthdate Numerology. The Meaning Of Each Day
by Bruce Keiffer- 3.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Where are the guides who can give me the path I am If your yearning for real learning, and by your reading this I think you are, join me now In the near future I plan to bring to the Udemy Stage more courses. Sports Numerology...
Energy Healing Certification Course, Part 1 (Preparation)
by Joseph Drumheller- 4.7
3.5 hours on-demand video
This course is very near and dear to my heart because I have experienced the miracle of opening up to the Life Force and I use it in all of my healing sessions. So please join me on this fantastic journey of becoming a Certified Energy Healer. All you have to do is enroll today and join me in class....
Train 2 Dominate | The Ultimate Soccer Training Routine
by Dylan Tooby- 4.7
27 hours on-demand video
Whether you wanted to a be professional soccer player, coach, trainer, soccer entrepreneur, or kinda famous YouTuber like me (400,000 subscribers is a good start). I've probably been asked every possible question about soccer development and I'm extremely grateful for that because it's forced me to develop an incredible amount of soccer specific knowledge....
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Barefoot Doctor's Qigongo
by Barefoot Doctor- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
No amount of words, however adroitly chosen or deployed can go anywhere near conveying the startling effects of practicing this qigong system even once let alone every day But going without qigong for me would be like spending the day walking in the hot desert without anything to drink....
The Tax Advantaged Investor: A Guide to Legal Tax Reduction!
- 4.3
But first let me give you a background from which to understand. But over in that neck of our aquatic sports range you end up living on a tropical dirt speck the size of a postage stamp. The lack of a clear vision for an acceptable path to independence has led to the near extinction of the PIP party today....