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Learn Touch Typing and achieve up to 60WPM in 4 Days minimum
by Bakir Mousavi- 0.0
25 mins on-demand video
Achieve 60+ WPM in 4 days through its Inside Course Practice System for Touch Typing Fast | Typing Skills | Typing Class Achieve a strong experience in Touch Typing with this tutorial for beginners to advanced. Inside course practice available, which means you won't need to go out of the course for practice as they are included after each lecture....
Machine Learning A-Z: Logistic Regression Using Python ©
by AI Sciences- 4.1
8.5 hours on-demand video
This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and Logistic Regression! Introduction to Machine Learning for Beginners Introduction to Machine Learning for Beginners Free Gift Learn to create a complete structure for logistic regression from scratch using python Use SciKit-Learn for Logistic Regression...
Creating An RPG In GoDot
by Michael McGuire- 4
12.5 hours on-demand video
In this course, we will create an RPG that is cross-platform for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, IOS or even embed into a browser. Create Simple AI For Enemies Good Coding Practice Godot is completely free and open-source under the very permissive MIT license....
Practical Ubuntu Linux Server administration
by Nevyan Neykov- 0.0
2.5 hours on-demand video
Practice system commands with easy steps for beginners. Ubuntu Linux Server offers a free and convenient way to start learning the Linux operating system. You do not need an additional computer to load the Linux OS to take this course, and I encourage you to practice in a virtual environment like the free downloadable VirtualBox....
Unity 2020.1 New Features – Master the Latest Version
by Robert Gioia- 4.2
40 mins on-demand video
Use Bolt when you want to build logic using a visual node based system instead of typing out C# code. The ultimate tool for beginners to Unity and a great resource for industry professionals to quickly prototype games, get ready to unlock the true power of Unity game development by learning Visual Scripting with Bolt!...
QuickBooks Pro Desktop 2021, 2020, 2019, & 2018
by Robert (Bob) Steele- 4.3
147.5 hours on-demand video
This comprehensive course will provide an understanding of QuickBooks Pro Desktop 2021, 2020, 2019 & 2018 in a format beneficial to both beginners & advanced users. If you do not have access to QuickBooks, Intuit, the owner of QuickBooks, often provides a free 30-day trial, perfect for our needs. Try typing into your favorite browser: QuickBooks Desktop for Students...
Introduction to Ukulele 1
by Michelle Daley- 3.1
33 mins on-demand video
It is suitable for the new learner, refresher from children to grandparents and someone who wants to learn ukulele as well as their guitar. Why a student ought to enroll is for company, to join a group that plays ukulele, to improve their social skills and knowledge with something in common with the upsurge of ukulele players since George Formby....
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The Complete UFT/QTP + VB Scripting Course in 2018 (Latest)
by Vijay Shinde- 0.0
18 hours on-demand video
QTP/UFT has been a leading automation tool for so long – for all the right reasons. It is versatile, not too complicated to use, works for most kinds of applications etc. Learn VB Scripting for better UFT learning experience Best suitable for beginners to advanced level users and who learn faster when demonstrated LIVE PROJECT included for practice...
How to Become a Transcriptionist
by Chelsea Flint- 4.6
1 hour on-demand video
A blueprint for building your work-from-home transcription career Transcription work is still in demand for companies who need their interviews, focus groups, podcasts, etc, transcribed. Practice transcribing short audio files with Express Scribe so you’re ready to apply to transcription companies Find the best companies to work for that hire beginners - plus, learn how to spot a scam...
For the Love of Meditation
- 0.0
Lay the groundwork for an engaging sitting practice by cultivating the love and curiosity of meditation. Learn to love meditation for it's own sake. This free course is designed especially for beginners looking to establish a practice, but will support anyone who's practice could use the support and invigoration that comes through the love of practice....