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The Complete Practical Touch Typing Course: Speed & Accuracy
by JM Ekhteyari- 3.8
4 hours on-demand video
Typing Course - Touch Typing - Typing Speed - Fast Typing - Keyboard Typing - Learn Touch typing The Complete Practical Touch Typing Course - Become a Master At Touch Typing - Learn the Practical Guide to Be Pro and Discover Secrets of Becoming Great in Touch Typing Discover the Fundamentals of Touch Typing...
Learn Touch Typing and achieve up to 60WPM in 4 Days minimum
by Bakir Mousavi- 0.0
25 mins on-demand video
Achieve 60+ WPM in 4 days through its Inside Course Practice System for Touch Typing Fast | Typing Skills | Typing Class Achieve a strong experience in Touch Typing with this tutorial for beginners to advanced. Learning the fundamentals of Touch Typing puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips....
Speed Typing course: master Touch Typing and shortcut keys
by Valentin Ilicea- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
Learn Touch Typing and 75+ keyboard shortcuts. Here is one example: I am using touch typing for 14+ years at a 1. This course teaches you exactly how to learn, practice, and become a Master of Touch typing. This is the most straightforward path to learn and master touch typing and bottom line, it works....
Typing Mastery: Learn to Type
by Black Sheep Studios- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Learn proper typing techniques to enhance speed and accuracy Touch typing is a skill that will serve you for a lifetime. This course will teach you the fundamentals of typing and features typing exercising that will get you typing with accuracy and speed in no time. This course is great for individual or classroom use....
Touch Typing Made Easy - From Beginner to Mastery in Typing
by Adam Muhammad Dias- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
A touch typing course that allows you to type fast without looking at the keyboard and be more productive Let me show you how this Touch Typing course will help you: As you can see, you review the letters F and J from the previous lesson and you practice touch typing the new letters D and K....
Typing Course - How to Touch Type Faster - New Way to Learn
by Ian Stables- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
A Revolutionary Way to Learn - Complete Your Typing Tasks Faster - Learn the Lifelong Skill of Touch Typing Learn to touch type the new way: Get more done in less time. Touch typing can be a lot faster than two fingers. Based on the research of Peter Hollins and others, this course follows a short steps new approach....
Touch Typing Mastery - Learn to type correctly
by Thomas McDonald- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Increase your Productivity and Excel at touch typing - Maximize your Words per minute count course is to teach you to touch type in twelve easy lessons. the course depends on your willingness to follow the lesson plans. practice after each lesson from the course notes provided and your typing will improve....
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Touch Typing Correctly - Key Rollovers 120WPM
by Joseph Moon- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Most Typing Instructors Neglect "Key Rollovers" and don't even mention them to their students. I have first learned the Standard method of Touch Typing from Lessons that I purchased for $30, then I transformed my Standard Touch Typing Skills with my onscreen keyboard that I developed using, the "Key Rollover" Method to help me soar above the 60 W....
SQLite For Beginners - Learn SQL from Scratch
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 3.1
2 hours on-demand video
ULTIMATE course for learning SQLite from scratch is finally here! Manifest typing – SQL uses Manifest typing instead of static typing, which makes datatypes engines such as EXPLAIN keywords and Manifest typing language. which means it is free of cost to use and manipulate as one sees fit. course will give you a detailed introduction and will help you...
Creating An RPG In GoDot
by Michael McGuire- 4
12.5 hours on-demand video
Godot is completely free and open-source under the very permissive MIT license....