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Financial Management Capstone
by Jeff Flesher- 4.7
Approx. 8 hours to complete
The Financial Management capstone will provide a learning experience that integrates across all the courses within this specialization. You will analyze a situation taking the vantage point of a company and develop a financial management plan (for instance, a global company working in a specific geography chosen by students’ region or country of residence, or other consideration)....
Legal Tech & Startups
by Marti Manent- 4.6
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Principal Legal Tech business areas – Market Place and Practice Management Principal Legal Tech business areas – Documents and Case Management Principal Legal Tech business areas – Legal Research and Online Lawyers Most relevant companies in online tech Starting a business "A revolution in legal services" "20 Growth-Hacking Strategists You Should Follow In 2016"...
Innovations in Investment Technology: Artificial Intelligence
by Andrew Wu , Robert Dittmar- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Explore the evolution of AI investing and online wealth management. Investing and managing your wealth online has never been easier, but how does AI investing work and what are the challenges? You’ll consider the evolution of AI-driven online wealth management platforms, robo-advisors, and learn how they work and why they’re successful....
The fundamentals of hotel distribution
by Peter O'Connor , Nicolas Graf- 4.7
Approx. 16 hours to complete
In today’s hotel sector an increasingly complex network of traditional and web based channels have to be managed to insure hotel success. How can you maximise the potential of online travel agents (OTAs)? The hotel business value chain Franchise and Management agreements Introduction to revenue management OTA Business Model Disruption in the market place?...
Social Media Management
by Anke AudenaertTop Instructor- 4.9
Approx. 12 hours to complete
This course equips you with critical content creation and management skills. This course is intended for people who want to learn how to create and manage a business presence on social media, including creating content, interacting and engaging with customers on social media and evaluating the results of different posts. Social Media Management Overview...
Demand management: Breaking down today’s commercial silos
by Peter O'Connor , Alex Slors , David Turnbull , Brendan May , Martin Soler , Lennert De Jong- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Asset Management SnapShot is a Hotel Demand Management company that specializes in helping hotels aggregate and use their data. Asset Management The Asset Management Triangle Types of Management Operation and Asset Management Business Mix Online Marketing Revenue Management Why is Revenue Management Important? Revenue Management Bingo...
101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You In Business School
by Chris Haroun- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Business Insider wrote an article stating that 101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School was voted as the #1 most popular business book this year by Business Insider readers. He has an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a major in Management Information Systems and International Business from McGill University....
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Startups in open innovation
by Титов Виктор Олегович/Titov Victor , Irina Brusakova , Anna Kouzmina , Nadezhda Pokrovskaia , Ващук Ангелина Эдуардовна/Vashchuk Angelina- 0.0
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This course was created in the partnership with StPetersburg Electrotechnical University ETU “LETI”. The course can be successfully completed by the learners with the basic knowledge of innovation theory and/or management (Bachelor degree or higher). Business as construction of value creation chain in the context of open knowledge Analysis of elements of open innovation in the traditional management...
Digital Media and Marketing Strategies
by Mike Yao- 4.5
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Following “Digital Media and Marketing Principles,” this course aims to give you a deeper understanding of core processes of planning a digital marketing campaign and the role of various digital channels in integrated marketing communication. This course is part of Gies College of Business’s suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Gies Online Programs...
Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration
by Steve Kennedy , Simon W. Moolenaar , Berglind Orradóttir , Joris De Vente , Isabel C Barrio , Thorunn Petursdottir , Rob van Tulder- 4.5
Approx. 40 hours to complete
IN THEORY - Sustainable business models IN THEORY - Triple layered business model canvas IN PRACTICE - Business model design in Iceland IN PRACTICE - Business model design in Spain IN PRACTICE - Business model design in Portugal WBCSD Report - The business case for investing in soil health IN THEORY - Validating the business model design...