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Cybersecurity Capstone
by Bo Yuan , Jonathan S. Weissman , Yin Pan- 0.0
8 Weeks
Demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired in the Cybersecurity MicroMasters Program. The Cybersecurity Capstone is specifically designed to provide a platform for verified learners to practice the hands-on cybersecurity skills and techniques studied in the courses of the RITx Cybersecurity MicroMasters program. It also includes the evaluation of the competencies and performance tasks that enable professional cybersecurity success....
Data Mining: Theories and Algorithms for Tackling Big Data | 数据挖掘:理论与算法
by Bo Yuan- 0.0
14 Weeks
Unraveling the mysteries of Data Mining and Big Data, this course is a must-have for any budding Data Scientist. 最有趣的理论+最有用的算法=不得不学的数据科学。 本课程完整覆盖数据挖掘领域的各项核心技术,包括数据预处理、分类、聚类、回归、关联、推荐、集成学习、进化计算等。强调在知识的广度、深度和趣味性之间寻找最佳平衡点,在生动幽默中讲述数据挖掘的核心思想、关键技术以及一些在其它相关课程和教科书中少有涉及的重要知识点。本课程适合对大数据和数据科学感兴趣的各专业学生以及工程技术人员学习,不追求纯粹的理论推导,而是把理论与实践有机结合,让学生学到活的知识、有用的知识和真正属于自己的知识,特别是数据分析领域的研究方法和思维方式。 This course does just that. Each module starts with an interesting real-world example that gives rise to the specific research question of interest. Basic data science concepts Typical data mining techniques...
数据可视化|Data Visualization
by Zhi Wang , Bo Yuan- 0.0
16 Weeks
数据可视化是一项致力于把抽象的数据或概念转化为适于人类理解和接受的视觉化的信息技术,是一个典型的交叉学科。 本课程适对数据进行可视化挖掘和理解大的各专业大学生和各学科实践者。数据可视化是一项致力于把抽象的数据或概念转化为适于人类理解和接受的视觉化的信息技术,是一个典型的交叉学科。其目的是利用有图形清晰有效地传递信息。 它不只是追求理论知识和抽象概念,而是将理论与实践无缝连接起来,通过一系列精心设计的案例研究,让学生学习数据可视化的有用技术。它系统地介绍了可视化的基本知识,以及可视化的历史和现状。通过本课程的学习,学生将领略到数据可视化的魅力和力量,并获得丰富的实践经验。 This course is suitable for university students of all majors and practitioners in various disciplines who are interested in visually exploring and understanding the data of interest. Data visualization is an interdisciplinary field about the visual representation of data and information, aiming to communicate messages clearly and effectively using principled graphical means....
Top Online Courses and Specializations | Coursera
- 0.0
Find Courses and Specializations from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. Join Coursera for free and transform your career with degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, and dozens of other topics....
Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free
- 0.0
Learn online and earn valuable credentials from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. Join Coursera for free and transform your career with degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, and dozens of other topics....
Course Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- 0.0
course: [noun] the act or action of moving in a path from point to point....
Free Online Courses | Stanford Online
- 0.0
Free Online Courses. Our free online courses provide you with an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study new and emerging topics. Learn from Stanford instructors and industry experts at no cost to you....
Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy
- 0.0
Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 185,000 courses and 49 million students. Learn programming, marketing, data science and more....
Courses » Academics | Boston University
- 0.0
Courses. The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular semester. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the Student Link for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times....
Courses | Learn WordPress
- 0.0
These courses will help you find your feet in the project and help you get involved in the mission to democratize publishing. Polyglots Contributor Training. Translation is a great way to contribute to WordPress if you understand English and another language....
Courses - Colorado Motorcycle Academy
- 0.0
Our basic courses are for those who have never ridden a motorcycle before, have less than approximately 40 total hours of riding, or haven’t seen the seat in a while and want a refresher. These courses are perfect for beginners to learn how to be safe on the road while riding....